In your post address the following: Historical understanding of the disease/illn


In your post address the following:
Historical understanding of the disease/illn

In your post address the following:
Historical understanding of the disease/illness:
When was the disease “discovered,” meaning when was it first written about in medical literature? Who first studied it and why? Did it impact their family and therefore their interest peaked? Was it impacting the military? Was it a random conclusion?
What causes the disease? A bacteria? Bad genetics? Poor health choices, like smoking?
What are the symptoms? What would lead a person to say, “Well, that’s not normal, I should probably see a physician?”
How is it diagnosed? Is there a battery of tests? Is it a simple physical exam?
What is the prognosis? Meaning, once your patient has disease X, how long do they live? With their lives be normal just a little more complicated? Is this going to change the way they live and work?
Finally and most importantly: explain the pathophysiology of the disease. Tell us, in detail what in the body’s physiology is going wrong that is causing the problem. Maybe a bacterial infection is destroying normal tissue. Therefore, the body is attacking the area with white cells and the immune response causes rash and fevers. Maybe a gene is defective, so the body is over-producing a protein and therefore bone growth is over-active.
Some key concerns for grading:
Please write in full sentences and shoot for proper grammar. I don’t expect perfection, I am far from perfect. However, I need to be able to read your post and I do not speak text. Use actual words.
Include citations for your information in your answer in the text. Ensure they are APA.
Length requirements are always the next question! Shoot for 2-3 sentences per bullet point. Some posts will be easier to write than others. I do not expect (or want) full research papers here.
Your post should be 100% original. I will run them through TurnItIn and any posts that come back with similarity scores above 10% will not receive credit.
Do NOT include quotations in your answer. This is another, “Do not pass go, do not collect $200” situation. I know that you can read, I want to know what you can understand and synthesize.


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