Compose an essay of 2,900 words (not including bibliography) for one of the belo


Compose an essay of 2,900 words (not including bibliography) for one of the belo

Compose an essay of 2,900 words (not including bibliography) for one of the below essay questions
Essay titles:
1. Evaluate the utility of the work of Habermas for understanding how public relations might develop a stronger ethical underpinning to practice.
2. Rhetorical paradigms for scholarship in PR acknowledge the widespread use of a) rhetorical advocacy and b) dialogue in public relations practice. Critically assess Robert Heath’s claims that such practices play an important role in making “society effective”.
3. How can we understand public relations as a form of cultural intermediary work?
4. “Public affairs and lobbying are tools that ensure the rich and powerful always get their way”: Evaluate and discuss the evidence in academic literature for accepting or rejecting this statement.
5. How does the concept of the information subsidy help us explore the relationship between the mass media and public relations?
6. Critically apply the literature on framing to analyse how at least two organisations have attempted to influence public policy debate in your national context.
7. Critically assess the impact on the media of the deployment of public relations by governments in contemporary liberal democratic societies. In your answer you should analyse the roles and relationships of at least two of the following; journalists, Government Information Officers (GIOs) and Special Advisers (SpAds).

*** Words count = 2,900 words.
*** In-Text Citations and Referencing using Harvard style.


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