Remember: An analytical summary identifies the main argument and key points or i


Remember: An analytical summary identifies the main argument and key points or ideas presented in an article (or any text) and points towards the key points others have made in response. It does not present your point of view. It does not draw a conclusion, though it may hint at critical questions or concerns. A sample essay can be found at the end of this page.
To receive completion credit for this assignment you MUST do ALL the following:
-Use the outline I’ve provided below to guide the development of your essay.
-Use the techniques and templates presented in Chapters 1-3 of They Say/I Say in each paragraph of the essay
-Use the PIE method of paragraph in all your body paragraphs. REMEMBER: ALL Illustrations are quotations from the article and should be presented using/adapting a template for introducing quotations (TSIS Chapter 3). ALL illustrations must be explained by using/adapting a template for explaining quotations (TSIS Chapter 3).
-Adapt verbs in the templates you use to suit the quotations you introduce/explain. Verb choices can be found in TSIS Chapter 2.
-Use MLA style, including in-text citations (the page number in parentheses after the closed quotation mark) and a Works Cited page.
-Use the document template Download document templateI linked here and edit it appropriately as explained in class.
-Submit the assignment as a Microsoft Word file attachment. Please do not submit links to the files.
Outline for Your Essay
-Introduce what others (not Mike Rose) have said about community colleges as potential “great equalizers” – Try using a template for introducing standard views found in Chapter 1 of They Say/I Say
-Introduce Mike Rose – A sentence that presents him by full name and includes 1 or 2 biographical details that are relevant to the essay.
-Introduce the article using the full title in quotation marks and proper capitalization. Note: You can combine this step with the introduction to Mike Rose.
-Present the main question the article addresses: Do community colleges truly serve as equalizers in society?
2. The Promise of Community Colleges
-Discuss the intended role of community colleges in providing accessible education
-Highlight the potential for social mobility and skill development
3. Challenges Faced by Community College Students
-Explore the socioeconomic barriers many students face
-Discuss the impact of underfunding on community college resources and quality
4. Curriculum and Instruction Issues
-Examine how curriculum and teaching methods may reinforce social inequalities
-Discuss the need for more inclusive and empowering educational approaches
5. Conclusion
-Summarize the complex role of community colleges in addressing social inequality
-Suggest potential improvements or areas for further consideration in community college education
A sample essay based on a DIFFERENT Mike Rose article can be found here: ENC1101 Analytical Summary SAMPLE ESSAY Fall 2024.docx


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