ACC 696 Project Two Guidelines and Rubric Competency In this project, you will d


ACC 696 Project Two Guidelines and Rubric
In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:
Describe environmental, social, and governance programs and their impacts on an organization
You are an accounting associate working with the accounting manager of a large company. You recently attended an education session on ESG programs and think the company would benefit from a formal ESG program. The accounting manager knows they need to educate leadership and promote the value of an ESG program while maintaining a competitive edge in the industry. The accounting manager has asked you to prepare a presentation that explains ESG and its impact on the company. In your presentation, provide examples of other companies that deployed an ESG program and how those programs impacted the business, financially or otherwise.
For this project, you will create an 8-slide presentation for leadership. This presentation will allow you to explain the common elements and the potential benefits of an ESG program. You will also need to provide examples of companies with ESG programs.
1. Summarize common elements of ESG programs and trends.
2. Analyze how a company demonstrates its support of ESG programs.
3. Analyze the benefits and burdens of implementing an ESG program.
4. Describe how ESG has impacted financial reporting for companies.
5. Identify common financial impacts of companies that have ESG programs.
What to Submit
To complete this project, you must submit the following:
Bongo Presentation
Submit this project as a 4- to 5-minute video through the Bongo platform.
Note: If you are not able to record a video, you should reach out to your instructor and discuss submitting the assignment in an alternative format.
PowerPoint Presentation
Your submission should include a 9-slide PowerPoint presentation including a title slide, introduction slide, and conclusion slide made by completing the Project Two Presentation Template. Each deliverable slide should contain speaker notes of 100-200 words per slide. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
It is a presentation, and I need 1-2 page speaker’s notes addressing the requirements above. I do not need the slides since it is already provided by instructor. I need just a speaker’s note on the word doc. Please do not delay the work asking to pay for slides. Thanks!


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