Presentation to a Quality Improvement Team (5 min) How can you use research to d


Presentation to a Quality Improvement Team (5 min)
How can you use research to develop evidence-based approaches to patient care? How can research findings be used to improve the quality of services provided at a healthcare facility?  
As healthcare continues to evolve, nurses play a critical role in applying clinical research to evidence-based practice and quality improvement in nursing. By leveraging clinical research, nurses can identify gaps in their practice, develop strategies to improve patient outcomes and enhance the overall quality of care. This involves critically evaluating existing research, identifying best practices, and developing proposals for improvement in quality and safety of patient care. 
For this Assignment, you apply clinical research to evidence-based practice and quality improvement in nursing and develop proposals for improvement in quality and safety of patient care in nursing practice. 
To prepare:
Review the Learning Resources for this Module and reflect on how the application of research findings contributes to evidence-based practice. 
Download PowerPoint Template Download PowerPoint Template.
Select one issue that pertains to quality or safety in nursing. The issue may be pertinent to your current place of employment or a hypothetical situation in a healthcare organization. 
Search the literature for information related to quality or safety issue you selected. Find at least two scholarly resources that relate to the issue you selected. 
The Assignment
Create a video PowerPoint presentation addressing the following points:  
Summarize the issues related to quality and safety that are identified in the articles. 
Explain the interventions and recommendations from the literature that could be implemented in practice. Be specific and provide examples. 
Describe any additional types of quantitative and/or qualitative data that might be needed to propose a recommendation for quality and/or safety improvements in your practice. Be specific. 
Based on the evidence in your review of the literature on the issue, explain what proposals you would make for improving quality or safety in your practice. Provide a rationale for your proposals with specific details and examples.  
You are required to use at least two sources, but you may use more than two. Cite all sources in APA format and include a reference page on the last slide. Record your PowerPoint presentation with Kaltura. 
Record your PowerPoint presentation with a voiceover. You may also use the camera option to add a talking head to your PowerPoint presentation. (Note: Kaltura also has basic editing capabilities, if you need to edit parts of your presentation before submitting the final version).
For guidance on posting a video into the Assignment, please refer to the Kaltura section of the Classroom Support Center, accessed via the Help button (the i icon) on the global navigation menu.
Submit a 5- to 8-minute video of your presentation. In addition, generate a PDF document with your slide notes and submit it as a separate file.


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