I want youto use mine and add to it please Senior Research Seminar Project Outl


I want youto use mine and add to it please
Senior Research Seminar Project Outl

I want youto use mine and add to it please
Senior Research Seminar Project Outline:
1. 30% of Course Grade:
• Title
• Abstract – this will be modified as your project blossoms
• Research Question/ Introduction 2 paragraphs
• Theoretical approach – 1 page
• Research Method(s) – 1 page
• Literature Review – includes at least 10 refereed journal articles – 3 pages

2. 30% of Course Grade:
• Raw Data – it depends on the type of data collected ~ 4 pages

3. 30% of Course Grade:
• Data Analysis – 1 pages
• Conclusions – 2 paragraphs
• Strengths and Limitations of the Research Project – 1 paragraphs
• Future research needed in this area – 1 paragraphs
• Public Policy Implications – 1 paragraphs
• References


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