Write a 4-page position paper in which you argue whether to hire the doctor or n


Write a 4-page position paper in which you argue whether to hire the doctor or n

Write a 4-page position paper in which you argue whether to hire the doctor or not. As you formulate you position, you should: Review the following information and video: Annenberg Learner (2007). Three farewells: Medicine & the end of life [Video]. https://www.learner.org/series/ethics-in-america-ii/three-farewells-medicine-the-end-of-life Write your position paper as though you were making the presentation to the panel of doctors, lawyers, academics, and clergy in the video, which has the ultimate authority to accept or reject the course of action you recommend. The question is whether or not the doctor should be hired to serve on the hospital staff full-time to provide the service of creating “spare parts” children as needed. Support your opinion with the ethical and moral principles you have studied.


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