Paper (Part 1) – Due Week 4 Part 1 – prepare a 3 page review of an organization


Paper (Part 1) – Due Week 4
Part 1 – prepare a 3 page review of an organization

Paper (Part 1) – Due Week 4
Part 1 – prepare a 3 page review of an organization . Select one that has had a MAJOR impact on society. Do research over the Internet and prepare a 3-page review of a current event that centers on HR issues for an organization. Select an organization that is dealing with challenges/issues related to topics in our course. (Any topic from the textbook is good.) Possible topics to address will be:
A very brief background or history. Discuss their industry and competition. What is the leadership hoping to gain vs. the challenges they face. Is technology a major tool or asset for this company? Explain why and how? Examine what the competition is doing. Moreover, examine the systematic collection, analysis, and interpretation of data designed to improve decisions about talent and organization.


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