CE6103 – Engineering Physics and Mechanics Problem Sheet -Individual Total Marks


CE6103 – Engineering Physics and Mechanics
Problem Sheet -Individual
Total Marks

CE6103 – Engineering Physics and Mechanics
Problem Sheet -Individual
Total Marks: 50 (50% Weightage of total grade)
Due date: 02-06-2024
Learning Outcomes:
1. Apply the concepts of mass, force, moments, torque and equilibrium conditions in engineering
2. Apply the concepts of energy, energy conservation, related to mechanical engineering systems
3. Select appropriate beams for engineering applications by calculating stresses, and considering
mechanical and material properties, in standard and nonstandard beam sections
1.Answer all the problems and all the questions carry equal marks
2.Steps should be clearly shown with appropriate diagrams
3.The solutions should be handwritten
4.Late rule policy applies for the assessment
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Answer all the questions
Question 1 (LO 1)
(a) Four forces act on an eye bolt. As shown in figure 1. Determine the following:
i. Sum of the forces in X- direction 1 mark
ii. Sum of the forces in Y – Direction 1 mark
iii. The Magnitude of the Resultant force 2 marks
iv. The direction of the Resultant Force 1 mark
figure 1
(b) If ?1 = 600N and Φ=30°, determine the magnitude of the resultant force acting on the eyebolt ( figure
2) and its direction measured clockwise from the positive x axis. 5 marks
figure 2
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Question 2 (LO 1)
(a) A girl is sitting in an old automobile tire which is suspended as shown in figure 3. If the girl and the tire
together have a mass of 60Kg, determine the tension in the ropes CA and CB 5 marks
figure 3
(b) A string ABCDE whose extremity A is fixed has weights W1 and W2 attached to it at B and C as shown
in figure 4, and passes round a smooth peg at D carrying a weight of 730 N at free and E in fig. If in a
state of equilibrium, BC is horizontal and AB and CD makes an angle of 135º and 110º respectively
with BC. Calculate the following
i) the tensions in portions AB, BC, CD.
ii) Values of weights W1 and W2 5 marks
figure 4
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Question 3 (LO1)
Four forces act on a bracket as shown in figure5. Calculate the resultant of all the four forces and find the
position along the x axis about O. You need to carry out the following task:
(i) Draw the free body diagram showing all the components of forces
(ii) Find the resultant of the forces
(iii) Find the point of application of the resultant with direction on the x axis about O
10 marks
figure 5
Question 4 (LO2)
(a) A child of mass m is released from rest at the top of a water slide, at height ‘h’
, 8.5 m
above the bottom of the slide as shown in figure 6 . Assuming that the slide is frictionless
because of the water on it, find the child’s speed at the bottom of the slide. 5 marks
figure 6
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(b) A 36 kg child slides down a slide that is 2.5m high as shown in figure 7. At the bottom
of the slide she is moving at 3.0m/s. How much energy was lost as she slid down the
slide? 5 marks
figure 7
Question 5 (LO3)
(a) The figure below ( figure 8) shows a non concurrent system of forces acting on a beam. Consider the
equilibrium conditions and calculate the reactions at support. Take the values of P and Q as 8 KN and
4KN respectively. 5 marks
figure 8
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(b) The figure below ( figure 9) shows a non concurrent system of forces acting on a beam. Consider the
equilibrium conditions and calculate the reactions at support.


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