articulate the key theme(s) from the readings. Identify the thesis of each read


articulate the key theme(s) from the readings. Identify the thesis of each read

articulate the key theme(s) from the readings. Identify the thesis of each reading as well as how that author supports it. At the end of your paper, you must provide 2-3 specific questions that will serve as a springboard for our class discussion. You are welcome to compare 2 different books or compare chapters that are from the same book. You can focus on any of the texts that we have read in class up to this point. Don’t forget to add 2-3 reflection questions at the end of the paper. I will be using the same rubric to evaluate this paper as with the film paper.
Frequently Asked Questions Yes, you can compare 2 chapters from the same book or 2 chapters from 2 different books. • Or you can focus on 1 reading and go very in depth.
• Yes, you include a bit of your personal perspective – this response paper is not the same as a formal research paper. Medeiros & Perry (Eds.), Black Women in Latin Am. & Caribbean (Ch. 6 & 7)


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