A major assessment for the course is developing a Unit Plan, consisting of three


A major assessment for the course is developing a Unit Plan, consisting of three

A major assessment for the course is developing a Unit Plan, consisting of three lesson plans that relate to a common theme. These include an Inquiry lesson plan, a Deliberation lesson plan, and a Conceptual Formation lesson plan. In this first assignment, an Inquiry lesson plan, you will be helping students to inquire into a key question in your unit. In the second assignment, a Deliberation lesson plan, you will develop a lesson that will prepare your students to deliberate and arrive at a consensus on a key issue. In the third, a Concept Formation lesson plan, you will develop a lesson that will help students build for themselves a key idea (concept). Using the New York State Social Studies K-8 Framework (for the K-5 New York State Social Studies Standards) in http://www.nysed.gov/common/nysed/files/programs/curriculum-instruction/ss-framework-k-8a2.pdf and the required lesson plan template which is attached, create an Inquiry lesson plan to help students inquire into a key question in your unit. In creating your lesson plan, please be sure to do the following:
Choose a grade between Grades K-5.
Note the pages where the Social Studies content standards for these grades are found, as follows: Kindergarten on pages 16-18 in the New York State K-8 Social Studies Framework document; Grade 1 on pages 23-26; Grade 2 on pages 32-35; Grade 3 on pages 41-44; Grade 4 on pages 52-57; and Grade 5 on pages 74-77. The New York State Social Studies Standards are indicated by numbers and letters, and the corresponding student performance objectives are indicated by arrows under these standards.
From within the pages of your chosen grade level, select one or more of the New York State Social Studies Standards and one or more of the corresponding student performance objectives. These are the standards and the performance objectives to be listed in your lesson plan under the template headings “New York State Social Studies Standards” and “Performance Objectives.” Creating your own standards or performance objectives would not be acceptable.
In creating your Inquiry Lesson Plan, please note the following:
Since the lesson plans are part of a Unit Plan (a “long-range instructional plan during which the class studies some broad topic on an ongoing basis”), the three lesson plans are to be planned for the same class and grade level and relate to a broad topic. The materials you are listing in your lesson plan need to be real. For example, if you are listing such items as videos, books, etc., you need to give titles and sources for each. This might require some research on your part.
In your lesson plan, be sure to indicate the page number of the NYS standards and performance objectives you are using when listing the New York State Social Studies Standards. In addition, please be sure to write out the particular NYS Social Studies Standard(s) completely rather than merely listing the number or letter of the standard.
A student performance objective may not be repeated in the remaining two lesson plans later in the semester, since the assumption is that the student has already been taught to master the objective. However, if a NYS Social Studies Standard has several student performance objectives listed, and you did not use all of them in a previous lesson, you may reuse the standard and the unused performance objectives that correspond to that standard.
Use the two attached Sample Inquiry Lesson Plans and the Lesson Plan Rubric and Checklist as resources.
Finally, and most importantly, make sure that there is an alignment between the Standards, Performance Objectives, Lesson Activities, and Assessments. In other words, does the content of the lesson (instructional strategies, lesson activities, and assessments) relate directly to the student performance objectives and enable students to do what the Performance Objectives say they will be able to do? PLEASE FOCUS ON GRADES 1 OR 2 LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE ATTACHED


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