Use APA format, 7th edition; use the sample APA paper as a model. Discussion sec


Use APA format, 7th edition; use the sample APA paper as a model. Discussion sec

Use APA format, 7th edition; use the sample APA paper as a model. Discussion section should be at least three full manuscriipt pages; References should contain at least 7 scholarly sources (i.e., no webpages, dictionaries, etc.).
Discussion: Think of this as four parts: (1) restating your hypotheses and whether they were supported, (2) integrating your findings with previous research, (3) describing study limitations, and (4) suggesting future directions for research.
Abstract: Include something from each main part of the paper: (1) from the Intro the general purpose and your hypotheses, (2) from the Method a brief summary of your sample and procedures, (3) from the Results whether your hypotheses were supported (no numbers!), and (4) from the Discussion an important implication, limitation, or future direction.
References: carefully model after the sample APA papers. Make sure for every journal article you have a volume number and page numbers. Don’t rely on the library for formatting; formatting needs to be checked character by character! Your doi links should *not* contain “cmich” anywhere in it, as this is a link to our library search rather than to the article.
I strongly recommend using the attached Abstract, Discussion, and Reference section from a previous PSY385WI student as a model for formatting and structure of these sections.
1) I have attached the beginning portion of my work but I need to add an addition page.


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