Instructions:  Assignment 1: Evaluation of Information Systems (27 points)   Rev


Assignment 1: Evaluation of Information Systems (27 points)  

Assignment 1: Evaluation of Information Systems (27 points)  
Review the stages of the systems development life cycle (SDLC) in course readings and presentations. Utilize readings from the textbook, modules, and a search for information sources to formulate your responses.
This assignment is one formal paper that contains two parts.
Part 1
These questions require answers after an electronic health record (EHR) or new EHR application/feature has already been selected and implemented by an organization. For example, an organization may have just implemented a new EHR, replaced an existing EHR, or added new functionality such as clinical decision support system features or a patient portal. Consider which additional or new HIT application/feature interests your DNP practice and will result in improved care.
Part 2
Students will analyze one unintended consequence (e-iatrogenesis) of the proposed EHR or EHR application/feature from Part 1. The unintended result may be either “good” or “bad.” Students will create a visual fishbone diagram that shows the cause(s) and effect(s) of the problem with the EHR/EHR application/feature. Review the readings and the content found in the modules regarding fishbone diagrams and e-iatrogenesis.
 Assignment Criteria:
Develop a scholarly paper that addresses the following:
Complete Part 1: System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Implementation and Evaluation Stages: Proposed EHR/EHR Application/Feature
Briefly define the SSDLC′s implementation and evaluation stages and describe the DNP′s specific and expected role activities as an interprofessional team member during these two stages. Cite one or more sources.
Describe the new EHR or one new EHR feature, function, or application of interest that may benefit or supplement the current EHR for a healthcare organization.
Students should search the Internet for specific names and information about existing commercial products for the selected system application, EHR application/feature, or function.
Students are not designing the application/feature or function for an EHR but selecting an existing, new, or additional product.
Briefly describe the name, purpose, and vendor for the proposed new EHR application/feature or function to be added to an existing EHR or an electronic clinical information system.
Identify the type of healthcare organization (e.g., hospital, clinic, public health agency, healthcare software company, government health information website, private virtual health information site, etc.) that will utilize the proposed system. Explain how the EHR/EHR application/feature is utilized for clinical, administrative, educational, or research purposes.
Explain how this proposed EHR or EHR application/feature meets two Healthy People 2030 objectives for the topic, Health IT (See Modules/Week 2). Cite one or more sources to support your response.
Define” system interoperability” and “medical device integration” and explain how the proposed EHR or EHR application/ feature meets these HITECH standards. Cite sources.
Search the NQF database or other sources and identify and explain one quality metric that can be used to evaluate end-user or stakeholder satisfaction with the system post-implementation.
Discuss the evidence needed to determine whether further training for system users is needed post-implementation. Cite sources.
Identify the name, characteristics, and type of one additional metric you will propose to assess the effectiveness, quality, or safety of the proposed EHR or EHR application/feature. Cite sources.
Complete Part 2: Assessing E-iatrogenesis or the Unintended Consequences of the EHR/EHR application/feature.
Analyze the system in Part 1 for one possible unintended consequence that has or may occur post-implementing the proposed system/feature. Cite sources.
Describe the unintended consequence and cite sources.
Generate a fishbone diagram to show the specific causes and effects of the problem (see Modules/Week 2).
Create this as Figure 1 and insert it into an appendix.
See the APA 7th edition manual for the format.
Provide one or more priority solutions that could be implemented (proposed Remediation Plan) by the interprofessional team to alleviate the causes and effects of the problem. Cite sources.
The scholarly paper should be in narrative format, 5 to 6 pages, excluding the appendix, title page, and reference page.
Include an introductory paragraph with the purpose of the paper and a conclusion to the paper.
Include level 1 and 2 headings to organize the content of the paper.
Write the paper in the third person, not the first person (meaning do not use ‘′e’′or ‘′’′ and in a scholarly manner. I, we, you, me, or our may not be used. In addition, describing yourself as the researcher or the author should not be used.
To support the paper, include a minimum of five professional, peer-reviewed scholarly journal references (review in Ulrich Periodical Directory). References should be less than five (5) years old unless they are classic or historical articles.
APA 7th edition format required (attention to spelling/grammar, format for a title page and a reference page, use of paraphrasing/quotes, and format for in-text citations).
Submit the assignment to Turnitin before the final submission date, review the originality report, and make any needed changes.
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