The purpose of this paper is to describe the use of consumption journals. This e


The purpose of this paper is to describe the use of consumption journals. This e

The purpose of this paper is to describe the use of consumption journals. This exercise enables students to not only observe and record their own consumption habits but also to explore the social and psychological factors that may be influencing their and others’ purchase decisions. Furthermore, the greatest benefit is that they enjoy the learning process. Students should acquire a sound understanding of how consumers search for, purchase, and use products and services. Furthermore, students should also be exposed to the social and psychological influences on these behaviors. Finally, to have garnered the most benefit, students should understand how to integrate the theoretical concepts into their real-world experiences.
Specific Requirements: This writing assignment requires students to maintain a personal consumption journal.
Each student is responsible for maintaining a consumption journal that describes the products and services they purchase.
Descriiptions include what products and services are purchased, where the items are purchased, why the items are purchased, and what feelings are associated with the purchase.
Students are required to complete a minimum of two entries. The entries
should include Date, Place of Purchase, Items(s) Purchased, Brand Name (for each item), Price (for each item), Other Descriiptive Information, Reason for Purchase, and Feelings Associated with Purchase.
The final submission should be in the form of a written report explaining what was observed and the patterns present in their consumption behavior.
Students should include the consumer-decision process as it relates to their own personal behavior.
Minimum 500 words, three references, APA-compliant formatting


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