Submit a lesson plan that includes the following: Grade level and content standa


Submit a lesson plan that includes the following:
Grade level and content standa

Submit a lesson plan that includes the following:
Grade level and content standard (kindergarten -K)
Goal(s) and objective(s)
A brief description of how this lesson fits into a unit or long-range plans
An activity and lesson designed to incorporate differentiated grouping opportunities (whole group, small group, and individual)
A lesson description, including process, pacing, steps, materials, and resources
The critical thinking skills, communication skills, or higher-order questioning you include in this lesson to expand the student’s expression, including the levels of Bloom’s taxonomy you use
The following instructional strategies:An anticipatory set
Differentiation for multiple levels of learners
A technological component
Peer interaction and communication
Complete a KWL chart as an anticipatory setDifferentiation for multiple levels of learners
Include a hands-on learning approach
A formal or informal assessment to track student learning


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