In this course, you were asked to interview someone of the opposite gender on to


In this course, you were asked to interview someone of the opposite gender on to

In this course, you were asked to interview someone of the opposite gender on topics relating to gender. Read the interview again. What is one insight you learned from your interview? What topic did you view differently after listening to your interviewee’s responses? If you had no change in opinion, what topics did you feel strongly about and why?
Please answer in the following format:
Topic sentence: One insight that I took away from my interview was…
Concrete detail:
Concluding sentence:
In this activity you will write your response and share it in this discussion forum. All students will share and have the opportunity to learn from each other. As part of this reflective, shared learning, your teacher will guide the discussion pulling out overall insights, feedback, and drafts. Everyone is expected to be positive and respectful, with comments that help all learners write effectively. You are required to provide a positive comment on one of your classmate’s posts.
Important Note: Please submit your own original work. Do not copy discussion posts or work from your classmates. That is plagiarism and will result in a failure.
Check out this helpful video from your teacher:


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