PART 1: Your Work on Major Assignments Write a photo reflection essay about your


PART 1: Your Work on Major Assignments
Write a photo reflection essay about your

PART 1: Your Work on Major Assignments
Write a photo reflection essay about your work this semester: please submit as a
Word document or PDF file (not Pages).
Take 3 photos using your mobile phone or generate images using AI (e.g. Bing’s
image creator) that capture the essence of the main ideas of your reflection on
your work. Provide a one sentence caption that explains the significance of the
photograph in the context of your reflection alongside 3-5 sentences that
elaborate more. Be specific by using concrete examples from specific major
assignments (critique, persuasive assignment, and argumentative essay) and
linking it to the content we covered during the semester (e.g. the guidelines on
analysis and evaluation for a critique, the different models of argumentation like
Toulmin, how to go about research etc.). Don’t be vague or generic. Writing
something that could fit any writing course won’t meet the criteria for a good
Note: please pay attention to the placement of the photos (make sure they aren’t
cropped) and to the size (don’t have photos that are like 10 MB each).
Consider the following questions as you reflect on your assignments:
1. What did you learn from the Critique, the Persuasive Assignment, and the
Argumentative Essay?
2. In what ways have you gotten better at writing, research, argumentation,
paraphrasing, summarising, analysis, reflection, evaluation, and citing sources?
3. In what ways do you think you need to improve?
4. What problems did you encounter while you were working on each of the
assignments? How did you solve them?
5. What was especially satisfying to you about either the writing process or the
finished essays?
6. What were your goals at the start of the semester? Did your goals change as the
semester progressed?
7. What do your assignments reveal about you as a writer? What did you learn
about yourself as you worked on the essays?
8. How have your ideas and/or views about your chosen topic changed from the
Persuasive Assignment to the Argumentative Research Essay?
9. How has your critical eye changed because of the peer reviews and the
10. What new skills and concepts did you learn? Is there anything that you will
never forget?
11. If you were the teacher, what comments would you make about your efforts
and progress throughout the semester?
PART 2: The Wikipedia Experience
Write a photo reflection essay on your Wikipedia contributions: please submit as a
Word document or PDF file (not Pages).
Take 3 photos using your mobile phone or generate images using AI (e.g. Bing’s
image creator) that capture the essence of the main ideas of your reflection on
your Wikipedia experience. Provide a one sentence caption that explains the
significance of the photograph in the context of your reflection alongside 3-5
sentences that elaborate more.Note: please pay attention to the placement of the photos (make sure they aren’t
cropped) and to the size (don’t have photos that are like 10 MB each).
Consider the following questions as you reflect on your Wikipedia assignment:
● Critiquing articles: What did you learn about Wikipedia during the article
evaluation? How did you approach critiquing the article you selected for
this assignment? How did you decide what to add to your chosen article?
● Summarizing your contributions: include a summary of your edits and why
you felt they were a valuable addition to the article. How does your article
compare to earlier versions?
● Peer review: If your class did peer review, include information about the
peer review process. What did you contribute in your review of your peers
article? What did your peers recommend you change on your article?
● Feedback: Did you receive feedback from other Wikipedia editors, and if so,
how did you respond to and handle that feedback?
● Wikipedia generally: What did you learn from contributing to Wikipedia?
How does a Wikipedia assignment compare to other assignments you’ve
done in the past? How can Wikipedia be used to improve public
understanding of our field/your topic? Why is this important?
● Did your contribution address a major equity gap? Did your contribution
improve Wikipedia’s coverage of historically underrepresented or
marginalized populations or topics? If so, were there any challenges unique
to contributing in these subject areas?
● Did the Wikipedia assignment affect your understanding of how information
is constructed and shared? How do you now understand your own role
within today’s information landscape?
Part 3: The Course
Write a photo reflection essay on your Wikipedia contributions: please submit as a
Word document or PDF file (not Pages).
Take 3 photos using your mobile phone or generate images using AI (e.g. Bing’s
image creator) that capture the essence of the main ideas of your reflection on
the course. Provide a one sentence caption that explains the significance of the
photograph in the context of your reflection alongside 3-5 sentences that
elaborate more.
Note: please pay attention to the placement of the photos (make sure they aren’t
cropped) and to the size (don’t have photos that are like 10 MB each).
Please be honest as this course reflection will give me insight into what you
thought about my efforts. It will help me know what worked and what didn’t work
so I can redesign my courses accordingly. There is no penalty for constructive
criticism and no bonus points for showering praise, so don’t worry and write
freely. I sincerely care about providing all my students with a great learning
experience and this is why your opinion is important to me.
Consider the following questions:
·What you enjoyed, and why
·What you disliked, and why
·Anything that you will never forget
·Which “battles” did you like, and why
·Which “battles” didn’t you like, and why
.What did you honestly think of gamification? Should it be further integrated into
the class or dropped? Why?
.What did you think of the use of Liberating Structures in our sessions (1-2-4-All,
Triz, Spiral Journal, Troika/Wise Crowds…)?
.Did you prefer writing in class or having flexible “write where you want” sessions
with the option to drop by my office?
.Was receiving general feedback on the first draft ahead of the one on one
conferences helpful? And what did you think about the required one on one
conferences themselves?
.What did you think about breaking assignments into little deliverables (e.g. first
draft, peer review, conference…) and assigning grades ?
.What did you think about the overall approach to the course?
.How did this course compare to your other learning experiences this semester?
.Did you feel that I was accessible and ready to help and that you had enough
support and feedback? Why or why not?
.If you had been designing this course (while ensuring you meet the course
learning objectives and main assignments)… which aspects of the course would
you keep? Why? Which aspects of the course would you change? Why? How
would you change them?


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