Read The Little Seagull Handbook sections W-5 through W-5c in this link:https://


Read The Little Seagull Handbook sections W-5 through W-5c in this link:https://

Read The Little Seagull Handbook sections W-5 through W-5c in this link:…
In a Word document (saved as a .docx file), write a 200-250 word paragraph that narrates (see W-5b for more on narration). You choose the topic; pick something from your life that you know well. Don’t use the web to search for a topic. Just think of something that can explain by telling a brief story to help readers understand it. Don’t use AI to generate ideas or to edit your writing; just give me a pure sample of your writing abilities. Any use of AI will earn a zero with no chance to resubmit.
Be sure to include a topic sentence (put this in bold) and to use repetition (underline words that create repetition), parallel structures (italicize these), and transitions (highlight these). Use W-5c to help here.


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