For your final essay, you will choose one of the following topics that we discus


For your final essay, you will choose one of the following topics that we discus

For your final essay, you will choose one of the following topics that we discussed in class. Each essay asks you to examine four sources / articles that we looked at in class as well as one additional source that you find on your own. Please include the source for your additional article in a footnote for the paper.
Choice 1 – Faith:
In this essay you will explore different areas of thought about faith.
Using essay form with an introduction and conclusion, please reflect on the topic of faith, using articles that we did in class. Which articles spoke to you and which didn’t – why? How did they impact your thoughts? You need to write in an intelligent way about Rabbi Lamm’s “Faith and Doubt” and then choose at least three other articles/sources to speak about (four in total).
In addition please research and find another source that we did not do in class. Make sure that the additional source is Jewish (not Christian, etc). Include this source in your essay as you consider what faith means to you.
Evaluate your own faith journey in light of the research that you have done. How would you categorize your own faith? How have you evolved over time? Has the research you have done (readings, class discussions and interview) shaped you in any way? Feel free to make this as personal as you feel comfortable doing.


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