Below is what the program requires me to write and submit, so here I upload my r


Below is what the program requires me to write and submit, so here I upload my r

Below is what the program requires me to write and submit, so here I upload my resume to you, and want you to fully go over it and expand your idea to help me answer the below 2 questions asked by the programmer:
Personal Statement
Please write a brief statement (no more than 2 pages in length, typed in 12-point font, double-spaced, one-inch margins) which includes the following:
1. various influences that have been important in your intellectual and professional development
2. your professional and intellectual objectives in applying to the NFC program
I also used ChatGPT to give me some ideas on how to write this Personal Statement, so it gave me some results. I uploaded it as a file, which you shall also refer to a bit, but do not copy it since I paid you for these “2 pages.” Please form your own words thoroughly and thoughtfully to provide me with a logical PS that I can use to apply for the new program. Thank you.
Regard yourself as me, and imagine how to fully and enthusiastically answer the 2 questions; thank you.


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