This order is connected to order #410123378 you worked on. YOUR ADDING TWO PAGES


This order is connected to order #410123378 you worked on.

This order is connected to order #410123378 you worked on.
Please follow the instructions below, but disregard 8-10 page requirement
Please look up a assesment to use
I like it so far: Follow this as guide please
Part 2: Instruction (8-10 pages total; 2-3 pages per short essay for each lesson) + Semantic Map (1 page)
As you continue, consider including concrete examples (if applicable) in each of the four short essays for the following:
Semantic Map(put on a page by itself) – choose a theme connecting the four lessons you were formally observed in – ELA, Math, Social Studies, and Science (i.e., student-centered classroom, inclusive classroom (inclusion), differentiation, vocabulary, etc.)
State the type of lesson and where it fits in the unit (i.e., beginning, middle, end),
Explain and provide the rationale for the design of the lesson (content – what you taught)
Explain the delivery of the lesson (pedagogy – how you taught) – what were the students exposed to, and what were you doing/saying
Explain differentiated support offered, scaffolds provided, the targeted academic language used, and opportunities for practice with feedback (actionable corrective/affirmative).
Align and refer to the professional standard(s) in the rubric (for your program area) with detailed examples that you have experienced and or know are in place and are effective (i.e., CAEP 2 – content “what”; CAEP 4 – pedagogy “how”)
Include what was done to transfer/application of knowledge and skills to complete the task given
Name the assessment(s) used to measure student learning of objective/target.
Addressed student standards for the grade level (NGLS).
Identify and label (see Appendix A) one artifact for each lesson (i.e., exit ticket, slide to show content, list of vocabulary words, a snapshot of the lesson plan, student work)
Connect content and/or pedagogy to two authors (may include theorists) and their work (text, article, journal, etc.) you learned about in your coursework supporting the use of the artifact you selected for each lesson.
End each lesson in Part 2 with a brief reflection on the lesson – class management, engagement, pedagogical practices, appropriateness of the content and assessment, and use of resources/materials.


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