It’s time to really dig into the many rules of APA Style within the context. Cop


It’s time to really dig into the many rules of APA Style within the context. Cop

It’s time to really dig into the many rules of APA Style within the context. Copy and paste the sentences into the text box, and then for each sentence below, identify how the sentence violates an APA rule, and then suggest how to improve the sentence. You may change the wording of the entire sentence. For your help, the specific section of the APA manual that describes a rule that is violated is given in parentheses after the sentence.
Evert et al. (2000) failed to inform their audience that the test they used is biased. (3.07).
The study examined people with dementia. (3.09).
We conducted a survey on the eating habits of autistic and normal controls. (3.15).
The participants were boys and girls aged 15 to 16 years old. (3.16).
A survey was sent to one third of the student body. (3.18).
The data was analyzed in SPSS. (3.19).
The data can take the theory farther since the experimental data extend the broader theory. (3.22).
The arena was 10 c.m. wide X 20 c.m. long. (4.02).
Participants rated the intensity of the taste stimulus from 1 ‘very weak’ to 7 ‘very strong’. (4.07).
Results revealed a significant difference between groups, p < 0.05. (4.09). The experimental and control groups were significantly different, see Figure 2. (4.09). We describe an easy way to modify standard laboratory glasses/goggles to simulate the various perceptual deficits that accompany common visual disorders. (4.11). The data was collected from students in psychology courses. (4.12). One-half of participants were randomly assigned to the control group. (4.13). Tukey post-hoc tests revealed differences between groups. (4.13). Their study examined the effect that these two compounds had on excitation in three test groups: Heterosexual men, gay men, and heterosexual females. (4.14). Data indicated that rats in the Experimental and Control groups did not differ in performance. (4.19). Trials were 5 min to 10 min long. (4.27). Subjects were two years old. (4.31). 48 participants participated in the study. (4.32).


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