Part A: Being Empathetic Towards Othersa. Watch this short video: “Brene’ Brown


Part A: Being Empathetic Towards Othersa. Watch this short video: “Brene’ Brown

Part A: Being Empathetic Towards Othersa. Watch this short video: “Brene’ Brown on Empathy”Link
b. After watching the video, answer the following questions:
1. In the video, the speaker gives an example of a type of “You statement” that would drives disconnection with others. What was the phrase? Provide an example of when someone used that phrase on you (or you used it when talking to someone else) and describe how it made you (or them) feel.
2. In the video, the speaker gives an example of an empathic “I statement” that would drive connection. What was the phrase? Provide an example of when someone used that phrase on you (or you used it when talking to someone else) and describe how it made you (or them) feel.
3. How might you start to incorporate more empathetic responses in your face-to-face AND online interpersonal communications with others.
Part B: Verbal “Flames”1. Read: then write out the definition of a verbal “flame” from the My First Flame.pdf reading.
2. How would you feel if you received the flaming email that the author of the “My First Flame” received and why (reference core values, individual or cultural context)?
3. Define “Destructive Language” from the Verbal Communication.PDF reading (you have to read the text boxes and the entirety of that section of the reading to get the definition) and then provide and examples of “destructive language” from the email the author received in the My First Flame.pdf
4. Define “Verbal Aggression” from the Verbal Communication.PDF reading and then provide and examples of “verbal aggression” from the email the author received in the My First Flame.pdf
5. Using gratitude (from the discussion forum this week) AND the tips in the short blog post on How to Deal With a Difficult (or Angry) Customer: 16 Tips how might you respond to flaming email that the author of the “My First Flame” received?
6. Page 119 of the textbook chapter (Experiencing & Expressing Emotions.PDF talks about online communication empathy deficits (including online verbal flaming). Share a specific example of when you (or someone in your life) has received a negative comment online? After reading the materials this week, how might you respond now, if someone posted something negatively about you in a comment on social media (i.e. Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, YouTube, etc.)
Formatting criteria:
Name. Have your first and last name, CMST101, Professor Voso, and the date in the top left corner.
Page Number. Your last name and page number in the top right corner.
College-level writing! Free of typos and grammatical errors, and try to avoid contractions (better if these are not written using a cell phone…)
Separate Paragraphs. Create a separate paragraph for each part of the assignment.
Page length. This assignment is about 2 pages.
Spacing/Font type/size. Double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 point font
Concepts. Incorporate concepts learned in class during the week.
Template: Here is a template you can use: APA Assignment Format.docx


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