Thank you, please respond to classmate Mel in a short paragraph, comment and exp


Thank you, please respond to classmate Mel in a short paragraph, comment and exp

Thank you, please respond to classmate Mel in a short paragraph, comment and expand her thoughts:
While I was glad to read about the Second Chance Act and the First Step Act addressing the reentry and rehabilitation needs of departed inmates, I think it’s a tough call to determine one post-prison program or idea that would show a significant improvement in lowering recidivism rates because I would think the needs and requirements probably varies so much from person to person.
However, I was surprised to learn about the incarceration cost bills inmates receive upon release. I had no idea they were billed for their costs incurred. I think like most people, I viewed them as having to be housed and cared for completely at taxpayer expense. I doubt many are ever able to come close to repaying these bills, but I do wonder if just dropping this one requirement would decrease the recidivism by giving them one less issue to deal with upon reentry into society. This would be offset of course by the added burden to taxpayers to shoulder the whole cost, but if former inmates are paying back very little and if it prevented a significant amount of recidivism, it might be worth the difference.


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