This is the second part of the technical writing series, and it’s the second-to-


This is the second part of the technical writing series, and it’s the second-to-

This is the second part of the technical writing series, and it’s the second-to-last step before the final assignment. To understand how to tackle this part, take a look at the previous assignments listed below:
1. Annotated Bibliography
2. Research Proposal
3. Technical Writing 1
After reviewing these, you’ll have a better idea of what’s expected for this assignment. Make sure to read the description of part 2 before getting started.
this is the feedback on the last part.
Your Introduction presented briefly your topic but stretched to your goals in this assessment report; you touched upon the current landscape where AI and automation technologies connect as two “continuously destructive forces” (in your words). You may add a bit more information to the Background section (about the history of automation technologies, current developments, etc.) as it was a bit short.
The Analysis was good as it touched upon important challenges and risks that AI and automatization may trigger. Your integration of a series of external sources was handled well. The Conclusion was sufficient.
The Reference page needs proper formatting.


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