The purpose of the final paper is to help students relate the course content to


The purpose of the final paper is to help students relate the course content to

The purpose of the final paper is to help students relate the course content to current events in management. The paper will be based on a current article (less than a year old). First, each student will find a current article about a company that relates to one or more of the management topics we cover in this class ( You will then find a current article about a management topic and develop a problem/opportunity thesis statement (please see Links to an external site. for an excellent resource to help you do this). You will select one of these articles to expand fully into a written paper, consisting of an (1) article, (2) thesis statement, (3) paper, and (4) reference section. You may submit a draft of your paper up to a week before the due date for my review and comments. The due date of the paper is 11:59 p.m., on May 9. You will need to do additional research on the company, industry, and topic described in the article-at least 5 sources are required, one of which must be the textbook required for this course (the article itself must be included in the reference section, but does not count toward your 5 sources). In general, the paper should describe the management topic using terminology and concepts from our textbook(Management: A Practical Introduction, 10th Edition ISBN10: 1260735168). The paper should also describe how an organization can benefit through a thorough understanding of the management topic. The paper will also list examples of actual management situations related to the topic. Lastly, the paper will present recommendations for the company based on what you have learned from your selected management topic(s). Criteria Ratings Pts Thesis statement (development of a problem/opportunity statement). / 25 pts Discussed about the company. / 10 pts Discussed about the industry. / 10 pts Description of management topic. / 20 pts Justification of management topic. / 20 pts Use of an example (#1). / 15 pts Use of an example (#2). / 15 pts Provide THREE recommendations on what the organization in the article (or organizations in similar situations as the organization in your article) should do moving forward based on what you have learned from your selected management topic. / 60 pts Use of five references. / 15 pts Adherence to page limits. / 5 pts APA formatting and parenthetical reference format. / 5 pts


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