Access Module 1 Canvas Project Details City Tours Ltd. is a company that provide


Access Module 1 Canvas Project Details
City Tours Ltd. is a company that provide

Access Module 1 Canvas Project Details
City Tours Ltd. is a company that provides tours in a city that is a popular tourist destination for travelers. As a customer service manager for the company, you’ve decided to create an Access database to better manage information on customers and tours.
Access Module 1 Canvas Project Steps
Complete the steps below.
Download the Start_File.accdb file and New2019Blank.accdb files:Start_File.accdbDownload Start_File.accdb
New2019Blank.accdbDownload New2019Blank.accdb
Rename the Start_File.accdb presentation to Access_Mod1_FirstLastName.accdb and Save it in a location easily found by you. The Desktop is a good spot.If you do not see the .accdb file extension in the Save As dialog box, do not type it. The program will add the file extension for you automatically.
Example: Access_Mod1_AndreAndersen.accdb
Create a new table in Datasheet View with the following options:Rename the default primary key ID field TourNumber and change the data type to Short Text. TourNumber should remain the primary key.
Add a new field with the name TourName and the Short Text data type.
Change the field size of the TourName field to 35.
Add a new field with the name BasicCost and the Currency data type.
Save the table using Tours as the name.
With the Tours table still open in Datasheet View, add the record shown in Table 1 below. Save and close the Tours table.
Create a new table in Design View to store the customers of City Tours Ltd. who have requested private group tours as follows:Add a field with the name GroupNumber and the AutoNumber data type.
Set GroupNumber as the table’s primary key.
Save the table with the name Groups but do not close it.
With the Groups table still open in Design View, add a second field to the table with the field name CustomerID and the Short Text data type. Save the table and then close it.
Open the Guides table in Design View and change the name of the field named FName to FirstName and use LastName to change the name of the field named LName.
With the Guides table still open in Design View, change the data type property for the GuideID field from Number to Short Text.
In Design View, add a new field to the Guides table after the Phone field. The field should be named StartDate and have the Date/Time data type. Save the Guides table and do not close it.
Switch the Guides table to Datasheet View, navigate to the fifth record (which has a GuideID field value of 108), and delete the record.
With the Guides table still open in Datasheet View, navigate to the third record (which has a GuideID field value of 104) and change the value to Devlin for the LastName field. Close the Guides table.
You also need to view individual guide records. Use the Form tool to create a form for the Guides table. Save the form with the name Guide Data Form and confirm that the form matches Figure 1. Close the form.Figure 1
Use the Simple Query Wizard to create a query based on the Customers table with the following options:Include all fields from the Customers table in the query.
Save the query with the name Customers Query (which is the default name) and then close the query.
You need to refer to a printed copy of the Customers table when reconfirming tour reservations. Use the Report Wizard to create a report based on the Customers table with the following options:Include the LastName, FirstName, and Mobile fields from the Customers table in the report.
Do not include any grouping levels.
Sort the report by LastName in Ascending order.
Select Tabular as the layout of the report and Portrait as the orientation of the report.
Save the report using Customer Contact Report as the name. Confirm that the report matches Figure 2and then close the report.
Figure 2
In the Navigation Pane, use Customer Data Form to rename the Customers Form.
Save and close any open objects in your database. Compact and repair your database, close it, and then exit Access. Follow the directions below to submit your completed project.


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