Submit Narrative Rough Draft Please submit your rough draft electronically to yo


Submit Narrative Rough Draft
Please submit your rough draft electronically to yo

Submit Narrative Rough Draft
Please submit your rough draft electronically to your teacher. At the top of your rough draft, include any questions you might have for your teacher. If questions or comments are not at the top of the page your teacher will assume you do not have any. Feel free to highlight and include digital comments, but make sure to notify your teacher at the top of the page so he/she can give you specific feedback.
Task: Write a narrative essay about a time when you failed.
Purpose: The purpose is to entertain and teach a lesson through theme.
Audience: Your audience will be your online classmates and teacher.
Grading criteria5 paragraphs (20%)Does Not Meet Yet (0-59) Less than 3 paragraphs are submitted.
Emerging Expectations (60-75) 3-4 paragraphs are included.
Meets Expectations (76-89) 5 paragraphs are included with introduction, body, and conclusion.
Exceeds Expectations (90-100) 5 paragraphs are obvious and engaging. A clear introduction, 3 body paragraphs and a conclusion are present.
Maximum score10
Narrative – Exposition/Introduction (20%)
Does Not Meet Yet (0-59) It is difficult to identify the thesis or the hook.
Emerging Expectations (60-75) Exposition is missing an interesting hook and thesis is somewhat clear. Thesis could better address the prompt or is loosley related to the prompt given. The topic may be too broad for a narrative essay.
Meets Expectations (76-89) Exposition is missing an interesting hook, but thesis is clear and reflects the prompt given.
The topic is narrow enough for a narrative essay.
Exceeds Expectations (90-100) Exposition begins with an engaging hook, and thesis reflects the prompt given.
The topic is unique, engaging, and narrow enough for a narrative essay.
Maximum score10
Rising action/2 Body paragraphs (20%)
Does Not Meet Yet (0-59) Rising action is hard to identify and no dialogue is included.
Emerging Expectations (60-75) One to two paragraphs explain raising action. Topic sentences are somewhat unclear. Limited dialogue is included and there may be errors in punctuation.
Meets Expectations (76-89) Two paragraphs explain rising action. Topic sentences are clear. Writing may seem formulaic, rather than story-like.
Dialogue is included, but there may be errors in punctuation.
Exceeds Expectations (90-100) Two paragraphs describe in detail rising action. Writing is interesting and topic sentences are clear.
Dialogue is included, engaging and punctuated correctly.
Maximum score10
Climax/3rd body paragraph (20%)
Does Not Meet Yet (0-59) Climax is hard to identify.
Emerging Expectations (60-75) The climax of the story is described with limited detail and clarity.
Meets Expectations (76-89) One paragraph describes in detail the climax of the story.
Exceeds Expectations (90-100) One paragraph describes in detail the climax of the story. Writing is exciting and interesting.
Maximum score10
Conclusion/Resolution (20%)
Does Not Meet Yet (0-59) There is no concluding paragraph OR the paragraph offers no resolution to the conflict in the narrative.
Emerging Expectations (60-75) The concluding paragraph offers a lesson or theme that doesn’t conclude the narrative and/or is not related to the thesis.
Meets Expectations (76-89) The resolutions offers a lesson or theme that might feel forced or very obvious.
Exceeds Expectations (90-100) The resolution offers a reflective lesson or theme that is engaging and unique.
Maximum score10


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