a PowerPoint slide presentation of your internship report. All internship report


a PowerPoint slide presentation of your internship report. All internship report

a PowerPoint slide presentation of your internship report. All internship reports must be submitted through Blackboard and presented at meetings.
Internship reports should clearly and concisely outline the activities, knowledge, and skills acquired during the internship.
The presentation should contain the following:
The organization name and the departments in which the internship experience takes
Site supervisor name and internship period.
Activities and assignments you are assigned to do during your internship.
Explanations of the relation of these activities with your specialty.
Relation of what you have learned at SEU (course work) and what you have put into
The impact of your specific internship experience on your personality and
Benefits you gain from the internship experience.
Challenges you faced during your internship.
Suggestions and solutions to overcome these challenges.
Pictures from your actual internship experience (preferable).


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