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Before beginning work on this assignment, please review the expanded grading rubric for specific instructions relating to content and formatting.
Health Issues in Your Community
For your project, you will visit the CDC website and select an article that addresses a health issue of your interest (for example, H1N1, obesity, diabetes, asthma, teenage pregnancy, etc.). Click here to visit the CDC website.
Addressing the following questions:
What public health issue have you selected and why? Provide a brief explanation of the issue.
How long has the health issue been prevalent in the community?
What are the factors that have caused the issue to become a public issue? Support your answer with data from your research.
Are there any social implications of the issue? Why or why not?
What prevention and intervention measures have been implemented to address this issue in your community?
Are there any issues that are not being adequately addressed? Support your answer with data from your research.
To support your work, use your course and textbook readings and also use the South University Online Library. As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.
Submission Details:
Your assignment should be addressed in a 3- to 5-page document.
Submit your documents to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.
Due on Apr 29, 2024 11:59 PM
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Rubric Name: PHE2001 Week1 Project Rubric
No Submission
0 points
Emerging (F through D range) (1–15)
15 points
Satisfactory (C range) (16–17)
17 points
Proficient (B range) (18–19)
19 points
Exemplary (A range) (20–22)
22 points
Criterion Score
Analyzes an appropriate public health issue
Student did not submit assignment
Details about the analysis of the public health issue are vague or incomplete.
Details about the analysis of the public health issue are vague or incomplete.
Specific details about the analysis of the public health issue are present but more could have been written to provide better discussion/application to the issue
Specific details about the analysis of the public health issue are present, complete, comprehensive and provide better discussion/application to the issue.
Score of Analyzes an appropriate public health issue,/ 22
No Submission
0 points
Emerging (F through D range) (1–15)
15 points
Satisfactory (C range) (16–17)
17 points
Proficient (B range) (18–19)
19 points
Exemplary (A range) (20–22)
22 points
Criterion Score
Analyzes the factors that have caused the issue to become a public health issue.
Student did not submit assignment
Details about the analysis of the factors that have caused the issue to become a public health issue are missing or inaccurate.
Details about the analysis of the factors that have caused the issue to become a public health issue are vague or incomplete.
Specific details about the analysis of the factors that have caused the issue to become a public health issue are present but more could have been used to provide better discussion/application to the issue.
Specific details about the analysis of the factors that have caused the issue to become a public health issue are present, complete, comprehensive and provide better discussion/application to the issue.
Score of Analyzes the factors that have caused the issue to become a public health issue.,/ 22
No Submission
0 points
Emerging (F through D range) (1–15)
15 points
Satisfactory (C range) (16–17)
17 points
Proficient (B range) (18–19)
19 points
Exemplary (A range) (20–22)
22 points
Criterion Score
Explains the prevention and intervention measures that have been implemented to address the selected issue in the community.
Student did not submit assignment
Does not interpret, apply, and synthesize concepts, and/or strategies.
Summarizes information gleaned from sources to support major points, but does not synthesize. Provides minimal justification to support major topics. Uses 1 credible resource in the assignment.
Synthesizes and justifies (defends, explains, validates, confirms) information gleaned from sources to support major points presented. Uses a minimum of 2 credible resources in the assignment.
Synthesizes and justifies (defends, explains, validates, confirms) information gleaned from sources to support major points presented. Uses 3 credible resources for the assignment, including at least 1 scholarly peer-reviewed resource.
Score of Explains the prevention and intervention measures that have been implemented to address the selected issue in the community.,/ 22
No Submission
0 points
Emerging (F through D range) (1–15)
15 points
Satisfactory (C range) (16–17)
17 points
Proficient (B range) (18–19)
19 points
Exemplary (A range) (20–22)
22 points
Criterion Score
Provides commentary on the public health issues that are not being adequately addressed in the community.
Student did not submit assignment
Details about the public health issues that are not being adequately addressed in the community are missing or inaccurate.
Details about public health issues that are not being adequately addressed in the community are vague or incomplete.
Specific details about the public health issues that are not being adequately addressed in the community are present but more could have been used to provide better discussion/application to the issue.
Specific details about public health issues that are not being adequately addressed in the community are present, complete, comprehensive and provide better discussion/application to the issue.
Score of Provides commentary on the public health issues that are not being adequately addressed in the community.,/ 22
Literary Component
No Submission
0 points
Emerging (F through D range) (1–8)
8 points
Satisfactory (C range) (9)
9 points
Proficient (B range) (10)
10 points
Exemplary (A range) (11–12)
12 points
Criterion Score
References for supporting Literature and Information
Student did not submit assignment
References were missing
References included one (1) reference.
A peer-reviewed journal article is preferable; however other acceptable references may include articles from’.gov’ and professional organizational websites for example. Reference cited, should have been published within the past five years; unless otherwise stated in the assignment directions.
References included two (2) references with at least one (1) peer-reviewed journal article.
Other acceptable references may include articles from’.gov’ and professional organizational websites for example. References cited, should have been published within the past five years; unless otherwise stated in the assignment directions.
References included three (3) scholarly references with at least two (2) peer-reviewed journal articles.
Other acceptable references may include articles from’.gov’ and professional organizational websites for example. References cited, should have been published within the past five years; unless otherwise stated in the assignment directions.
References included more than three (3) scholarly references with at least three (3) peer-reviewed journal articles.
Other acceptable references may include articles from’.gov’ and professional organizational websites for example. References cited, should have been published within the past five years; unless otherwise stated in the assignment directions.
Score of References for supporting Literature and Information,/ 12
Written Components
No Submission
0 points
Emerging (F through D range) (1–17)
17 points
Satisfactory (C range) (18–19)
19 points
Proficient (B range) (20–22)
22 points
Exemplary (A range) (23–25)
25 points
Criterion Score
Written Components
Student did not submit assignment
Introduction is limited or missing entirely.
Poorly organized document.
Transitions are infrequent, illogical, or missing entirely.
Conclusion is limited or missing entirely.
Writing contains numerous errors in spelling, grammar, or sentence structure that severely interferes with readability and comprehension.
No attempt at APA formatting.
Introduction is present but incomplete or underdeveloped.
Poorly organized document that interferes with readability and comprehension.
Transitions are sporadic.
Conclusion is present but incomplete or underdeveloped.
Writing contains numerous errors in spelling, grammar, or sentence structure that interferes with readability and comprehension.
APA format demonstrates attempt to paraphrase, quote, and cite; but errors are significant.
Introduction has a clear opening, provides background information, and states the topic.
Loosely organized document that may have to be inferred.
Transitions are appropriate and help the flow of ideas.
Conclusion summarizes main argument and has a clear ending.
Writing follows conventions of spelling and grammar throughout. Errors are infrequent and do not interfere with readability or comprehension.
APA format demonstrates attempt to paraphrase, quote, and cite; but a few errors present.
Introduction catches the reader’s attention, provides compelling and appropriate background information, and clearly states the topic.
Well organized document with an appropriate introduction.
Transitions are thoughtful and clearly show how ideas relate.
Conclusion leaves the reader with a sense of closure and provides concluding insights.
Writing follows conventions of spelling and grammar throughout that helps establish a clear idea and aid the reader in following the writer’s logic.
APA format is used throughout when appropriate or called for.
Score of Written Components,/ 25
Score of PHE2001 Week1 Project Rubric,/ 125
Overall Score
No Submission
0 points minimum
Emerging (F through D range)
1 point minimum
Satisfactory (C range)
87 points minimum
Proficient (B range)
100 points minimum
Exemplary (A range)
112 points minimum


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