Directions: Shante’ is a 62-year-old divorcee’ with 3 adult children. While marr


Shante’ is a 62-year-old divorcee’ with 3 adult children. While marr

Shante’ is a 62-year-old divorcee’ with 3 adult children. While married, she ascribed to the traditional gender roles that she learned from a little girl on what a wife should look like and what a wife should be doing within the household. Since her divorce 2 years ago, Shante’ has felt lonely and has increasingly felt the need for companionship. In a phone conversation with her younger sister, Eloise, the conversation goes as such:
Shante’: “It’s Saturday night and I am at home watching television. I have two neighbors who appear to be older than me, but they are getting out and enjoying life. One of them looks like she was getting ready to go out on a date earlier this week. I must admit, I am lonely”.
Eloise: “You need to live, honey. Your marriage ended two years ago. Your kids are doing well living their lives. What about you? You know, I watched you be unhappy within your marriage because you were doing what he wanted you to do. Being a good wife does not mean conforming to those traditional roles that our mother fulfilled, as did our grandmother. I’m getting off subject, but let me tell you about this dating phone app, 50+LOVE—if you’re interested in doing something different and exploring life and the fun person I used to know you to be in our teens and 20’s”.
Shante’: “You’re right. I’ve worked through my feelings of being ‘less than’ throughout my marriage. I gained weight and eventually lost 80 pounds after my battle with cervical cancer 15 years ago. At one time, I felt attractive and then begin to feel like I wasn’t good enough because I wasn’t happy. I am a woman worthy of change, happiness, and doing what I need to do. I still have feelings of wanting to have sex. I’m human. And if I do so, it will be responsibly and on my terms. We were raised with the adage “No sex before marriage” because of being raised by our pastor father and going to church several days a week. I’m 62, not married, but what if I meet someone eventually and the mutual desire(s) are there. Then what? I want and need my own sense of self and to live in accordance with my own self-identified values, right?
Eloise: “Right on! It’s all about continuing to be responsible, live responsibly, and not let the world tell you what you should and should not do. Don’t you agree?
Shante’: “I do. I am woman, hear me roar. These are thoughts that I have been thinking about for years and have appreciated when listening to women of all ages throughout the years talk about their version of womanhood and sexuality. I’ll be 63 in two months. Thank you for giving me the motivation to reclaim and to rethink who I am.
Eloise: “Sure thing! I wholeheartedly understand.
Initial Posting
Though Shante’ is a middle-aged woman, sexuality continues to be important within all phases of the developmental lifespan. Discuss Shante’s position relative to sexuality from psychological, biological, and social/sociological characteristics, based upon her indicated experiences and where she is presently, based upon the transcript.


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