• Due by the end of Week 7 at 11:59 pm, ET. The final piece of the Portfolio Pro


• Due by the end of Week 7 at 11:59 pm, ET. The final piece of the Portfolio Pro

• Due by the end of Week 7 at 11:59 pm, ET. The final piece of the Portfolio Project is due this week. The last assignment you will create is a formal presentation on both your controversial topic and the research you found. You will also include a brief reflection on the usefulness of the Portfolio Project this term. This presentation should be submitted as a PowerPoint document with voiceover. Your total recording time should not exceed 5 minutes. For your presentation, have at least one slide and voiceover for the following: o An overview of your controversial issue and the side you chose to argue for o An overview of the reasons why you were persuading for that side o A brief overview of some of the research backing up your claims o A brief discussion on how this Portfolio Project activity will help you in the future, whether it’s in the workplace, school, or daily life Your presentation should meet the following requirements as well: o PowerPoint Slides  Slides are well-organized and easy to read. An appropriate font, size, and color are used.  Slides include bullet points to break up writing  Slides use images and design elements to enhance presentation o Voiceover Recording  Student’s voice is clear and easy to understand  Student avoids non-words such as “um”, “uh”, and “like”  Student adds their own insight to slides instead of reading verbatim I am attaching the document in which I have to do the presentation for


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