Exploring Technology’s Impact on the Juvenile Justice System In this assignment,


Exploring Technology’s Impact on the Juvenile Justice System
In this assignment,

Exploring Technology’s Impact on the Juvenile Justice System
In this assignment, you will delve into the role of technology within the juvenile justice system. You will research, analyze, and present your findings on how various technological tools and advancements are being utilized, their potential benefits, and the ethical concerns they raise.
Follow these steps to complete this assignment:
Begin by researching different types of technology used in the juvenile justice system. This can include electronic monitoring, predictive analytics, biometric identification, rehabilitation apps, and more.
Explore both the potential positive impacts (such as increased efficiency, data-driven decision-making, and improved rehabilitation) and potential negative impacts (privacy concerns, bias, overreliance on technology) of these technologies.
Choose at least two different technological tools or advancements used in the juvenile justice system.
For each chosen technology, provide a detailed analysis of its purpose, how it works, and its intended outcomes.
Assess the potential benefits and risks associated with each technology. Consider the impact on juveniles, their families, and the overall justice system.
Ethical Considerations
Discuss the ethical concerns that arise from the use of technology in the juvenile justice system. Consider issues related to privacy, fairness, potential bias, and the long-term effects on juveniles’ lives.
Examine any legal and constitutional implications of using these technologies on young offenders.
Create a presentation that summarizes your research and analysis. Use slides, images, and bullet points to effectively convey your points.
Highlight the key takeaways, including the positive and negative aspects of technology integration, and the ethical considerations.
Record using Screenpal.comLinks to an external site.
Provide a list of credible sources you used for your research. Use APA citation style.
Submit your recording along with a brief summary or slides (300-500 words) that introduces your topic, outlines your analysis, and highlights the ethical concerns you’ve discussed.
Grading Criteria:
Your assignment will be evaluated based on the depth of research, clarity of analysis, consideration of ethical concerns, coherence of presentation, and proper referencing of sources. Remember to present a balanced perspective, considering both the potential benefits and challenges of using technology in the juvenile justice system.
Micro-presentation/Webinar: Your video should include a variety of content and be approximately 6-9 minutes long. You will be graded on your ability to meet each objective as stated above. You will not be graded on your speaking ability or proficiency with the software.
Before You Submit
When you are done preparing your slide presentation, we suggest taking some time to check for any errors or to add some final touches. We also suggest that you use online plagiarism checkers such as PlagScanLinks to an external site. or DupliCheckerLinks to an external site. to make sure that your case study is not too similar to any existing materials. Plagiarized submissions will NOT be graded.
Use of AI Tools is not authorized for this assignment.
The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools, via website, app, or any other access, is not permitted for this assignment. Representing work created by AI as your own is plagiarism and will be prosecuted as such.
Webinar: Exploring Technology’s Impact on the Juvenile Justice System
Webinar: Exploring Technology’s Impact on the Juvenile Justice System
Research20 to >18 pts
Demonstrates thorough and insightful research on various types of technology in the juvenile justice system. Presents a comprehensive understanding of both positive and negative impacts, supported by credible sources.18 to >14 pts
Provides detailed research on technology in the juvenile justice system, covering various aspects. Demonstrates a good understanding of both positive and negative impacts with adequate support.14 to >12 pts
Presents basic information on technology in the juvenile justice system. Some understanding of positive and negative impacts, but lacks depth and comprehensive coverage.12 to >10 pts
Needs Improvement
Limited research on technology in the juvenile justice system. Inadequate understanding of positive and negative impacts. Information is vague or inaccurate.10 to >0 pts
Minimal or no research evident. Lack of understanding of technology’s role in the juvenile justice system./ 20 pts
20 to >18 pts
Offers a comprehensive analysis of at least two technological tools or advancements, including their purpose, functionality, and intended outcomes. Thoroughly assesses potential benefits and risks with clarity.18 to >14 pts
Provides detailed analysis of at least two technologies, covering purpose, functionality, and intended outcomes. Offers a clear assessment of potential benefits and risks.14 to >12 pts
Presents a basic analysis of two technologies, lacking depth in purpose, functionality, and outcomes. Some assessment of benefits and risks, but lacks clarity.12 to >10 pts
Limited analysis of chosen technologies. Inadequate coverage of purpose, functionality, and outcomes. Poor assessment of benefits and risks.10 to >0 pts
Minimal or no analysis provided. Lack of understanding of the purpose, functionality, and outcomes of chosen technologies/ 20 pts
Ethical Considerations
20 to >18 pts
Offers a thoughtful and comprehensive discussion of ethical concerns related to technology in the juvenile justice system. Considers issues of privacy, fairness, bias, and long-term effects. Examines legal implications.18 to >14 pts
Provides a good discussion of ethical concerns, covering privacy, fairness, bias, and long-term effects. Some consideration of legal implications.14 to >12 pts
Presents a basic discussion of ethical concerns, with limited coverage of privacy, fairness, bias, and long-term effects. Some mention of legal implications.12 to >10 pts
Limited discussion of ethical concerns. Inadequate coverage of privacy, fairness, bias, and long-term effects. Minimal consideration of legal implications.10 to >0 pts
Minimal or no analysis provided. Lack of understanding of the purpose, functionality, and outcomes of chosen technologies./ 20 pts
20 to >18 pts
Creates a well-organized presentation with slides, images, and bullet points. Effectively conveys key points and highlights positive and negative aspects of technology integration. Maintains coherence throughout.18 to >14 pts
Presents a organized presentation with adequate use of slides, images, and bullet points. Conveys key points effectively, with a good balance between positive and negative aspects.14 to >12 pts
Creates a basic presentation with some organization using slides, images, and bullet points. Conveys key points with some effectiveness. Balance between positive and negative aspects is somewhat uneven.12 to >10 pts
Limited organization in the presentation. Inadequate use of slides, images, and bullet points. Conveys key points with difficulty. Poor balance between positive and negative aspects.10 to >0 pts
Incoherent presentation lacking organization. Minimal or no use of slides, images, or bullet points. Difficulty in conveying key points. Poor balance between positive and negative aspects./ 20 pts
Sources & Citations
10 to >9 pts
Provides a well-organized list of credible sources using APA citation style. Demonstrates a clear understanding of proper referencing.9 to >7 pts
Presents a list of credible sources with minor organizational issues. Generally follows APA citation style, with a good understanding of proper referencing.7 to >6 pts
Includes a basic list of sources with some organizational issues. Attempts to follow APA citation style, but with noticeable errors.6 to >5 pts
Limited list of sources with significant organizational issues. Inadequate adherence to APA citation style. Referencing is unclear or inconsistent.5 to >0 pts
Minimal or no references provided. Lack of understanding of proper referencing and APA citation style./ 10 pts
10 to >8.8 pts
Creates an engaging and informative micro-presentation or webinar, approximately 6-9 minutes long. Successfully meets all objectives stated in the assignment prompt. Not graded on speaking ability or software proficiency.8.8 to >7 pts
Presents a satisfactory micro-presentation or webinar, meeting most objectives stated in the assignment prompt. Length is appropriate.7 to >6 pts
Delivers a basic micro-presentation or webinar with some gaps in meeting objectives. May be slightly over or under the recommended length.6 to >5 pts
Limited delivery in the micro-presentation or webinar. Falls short in meeting several objectives. Length is significantly over or under the recommended range.5 to >0 pts
Inadequate micro-presentation or webinar. Fails to meet most objectives. Length is excessively over or under the recommended range./ 10 pts
Total Points: 0


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