(1) Introductory information on the individual you interviewed for the Assignmen


(1) Introductory information on the individual you interviewed for the Assignmen

(1) Introductory information on the individual you interviewed for the Assignment (name, relationship to you, age, location of home, any other observations about the age and condition of the home.
(2) The adult’s responses to the 6 sets of questions (please paste the questions into this part of the paper, and put your answer underneath the question.
Homefit Questions
Is the home on one level, or is it multi-level? Describe where the person’s living areas areand their sleeping area such as their bedroom and bathroom. If they live in an apartment,do they have to use stairs to enter and exit their home or is there an elevator?
If the person drives, do they have a car and is it parked in a garage close to the home or in aspace close to the front entrance of the home?
Does the person have mobility issues, and do they use an assistive device (cane, wheel chair,rollator, or walker)? If so, what type and are they able to move freely around the homewith the device?
Is there at least one step-free entrance into the home?
Are there stairs inside and/or outside the home that the person needs to use? Are therehandrails on both sides of the stairway?
Are there doorways that are at least 36 inches wide between the door jams?
Are the hallways well lighted and are there light switches at the end of the hall?
Are there area rugs in the home? If so, do they have non slip strips or liners under them?
What types of handles are on the doors: knobs or levers?
In the kitchen, is there a lever-style faucet, or are there knobs? What types of pulls are onthe kitchen cabinets: knobs or D-shaped handles? Are the cabinets easy to reach?
In the bathroom, is there a step-free entrance into the shower and non-slip strips on thefloor? Is there an adjustable or hand-held shower head? Is there a shower chair and grabbars? Does the toilet have an elevated seat for comfort?
Is there a telephone in multiple rooms? Are all electrical cords secured to prevent tripping?
Energy Use
At what temperature is the thermostat set for the home? Do you have zoned heating andcooling, and if so, how do you use it?
Have you changed any light bulbs to energy-saving ones in your home
3. Do you have energy-star or energy-efficient appliances in the kitchen? How frequently do you use the dishwasher or washing machine?
4. If the person lives in a house, are there weather-proofing seals for the windows and/or doors to keep in heat during inclement weather
5. Has any financial assistance been requested for the energy services from your energy company?
Nutrition Supports (questions asked of the person or care givers)
Are you able to shop for your own food purchases? Are there grocery stores within aconvenient distance from your home?
Do you use any delivery services to obtain your weekly food and supplies?
Do you eat three full meals a day? Do you keep a set budget for your food purchases?
Do you eat fruit and vegetables as a regular part of your meals?
Do you utilize any nutrition support programs (SNAP benefits, Meals on Wheels, foodpantry assistance, etc.). If so, how helpful have you found them to be?
Transportation questions
Do you drive your own car? If not, do you rely on other family and friends for yourtransportation needs?
Have you made transportation plans for yourself if you are no longer able to drive?
Do you utilize public transportation, taxis or services such as Uber for your transportationneeds? If so, how helpful have you found them to be?
Do you use government-funded shared ride services such as MTA Access or County Rideservices? If so, how helpful have you found them to be?Social Supports
Do you have family that live with you or nearby that visit you on a regular basis? If so, whoare they and what type of support do they provide you?
Do you have a pet or pets that provide emotional support? Do you have a service animal?
Do you have friends that you socialize with? If so, what types of activities are you involvedin?
Are you a member of a church organization, and how active are you in that organization?
Are you a member of any other social club or fraternity/sorority, senior center, veterans’organization, Rotary, etc. and how active are you in that organization?
Do you have any holidays, ceremonies or traditions that are specific to your religion orculture that you observe regularly so you remain connected to that culture or belief system (if so, please describe them)
Personal Safety and Emergency Preparedness
Do you view your home as a safe place to live? Why do you feel this way?
Do you have an emergency plan for yourself if your community experienced an emergencyor disaster? Have you registered with any organization to let them know that you may needhelp if there is a disaster and you need to evacuate (like a senior center, public utility, etc.)?
Are there plans with your family and friends as to where you would go if you had toevacuate your home? Have you arranged a central meeting place for you and your familyin case of an emergency?
Do you live in a community that has a Reverse 911 system that calls you if there is anemergency or disaster (or a serious weather event) in your community?
How many days of food and water do you have on hand in your home in case of an emergency? Do you have canned food goods and water as part of those emergencysupplies?
Do you have a list of medications that you take, and medications in reserve for your use?
Is there a list of emergency telephone numbers (Police, Fire, etc.) and emergency contactsreadily available for your use?
Are there working flashlights, batteries and other items in case your home lost its power?
Are there smoke alarms and/or CO2 alarms in your home? Do you change the batteries inthose alarms at least once a year?
Is there an alarm system in your home that you activate on a regular basis?
Is there a prepared a bag of essential items that you can grab and take with you if you needto evacuate your home?
If you have a pet or service animal, do you have an emergency plan for them and supplies?
–Ecomap and Improvements –Assignment Reflections
What did you learn about living in the community in your own home as an individual gets older or lives with disabilities in the community?
How did it help you understand the dimensions of liveable communities (nutrition, transportation and personal safety) and universal design?
Reflect on the importance of socialization in diminishing loneliness and helping a person live independently, and how this may have changed for the person you interviewed during COVID-19.


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