Please solve this part of the question only and not the economic part. We have s


Please solve this part of the question only and not the economic part. We have s

Please solve this part of the question only and not the economic part. We have solved it but we its not fully correct, let me explain it
(we have 50% piping loss but it doesnt go to the gas , it goes to the water, we wont send the gas to where the water is, we send the water to where the gas is to make it hot and then goes back again to the area where we need to use the water.
so if we want the water to be at 80 degree C when it arrives to the area, and we have a constant source of heat. what should the target temperature of water be when we produce the hot water?)
I have provided all the solutions we have had and the question for you to check it (My draft is the earliest draft, file called Task5))


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