The academic study of International Relations is in the process of “discovering”


The academic study of International Relations is in the process of “discovering” history, especially of regions outside of the “the West.” In particular, scholars are now looking to Asia’s past to generate theoretical insights to enrich IR theory in order to overcome Eurocentrism. Given this background, write a review essay after reading ONE of the following two articles. Your essay must succinctly summarize the article’s core argument(s) and tell us how the article contributes to our understanding of great power politics and/or of the making/shaping of the international order. (NOTE: This is a research essay even as it ‘reviews’ one of the essays below. The essays below engage in certain debates. You will need to familiarize yourself with those debates).
a. Peter Perdue, “The Tenacious Tributary System,” Journal of Contemporary China 24:96 (2015): 1002—1014,
Also use these references “if appropriate” and relevant:
China’s Challenges and International Order Transition : Beyond Thucydides’s Trap Huiyun Feng and Kai He
Debating worlds: contested narratives of global modernity and world order Book edited by Daniel Deudney; G. John Ikenberry; Karoline Postel-Vinay 2023 Partner Politics:
Russia, China, and the Challenge of Extending US Hegemony after the Cold War in Security Studies Article by Michael Mastanduno 27/05/2019
Global Monetary Order and the Liberal Order Debate in International Studies Perspectives Article by Carla Norrlof; Paul Poast; Benjamin J Cohen; Sabreena Croteau; Aashna Khanna; Daniel McDowell; Hongying Wang; W Kindred Winecoff 01/05/2020
See also attached docs.


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