You can find the assignment requirements attached files. DON’T USE AI AT ALL The


You can find the assignment requirements attached files. DON’T USE AI AT ALL

You can find the assignment requirements attached files. DON’T USE AI AT ALL
The case in general: I had back surgery this year. My physical therapist and doctor suggested that daily swimming would be an excellent form of therapy that could help my back return to normal. For this reason, I’m thinking about installing a swimming pool in my backyard. Can I deduct it? Insurance will not pay for it. If you need more information, let me know. More info:
What is your adjusted gross income for the current tax year? Around $175,000
What is your marital status? do you fill the tax jointly? We are married and we file jointly.
Do you have any dependents? Yes, we have 4 children.
Do you know the pool dimension? 16ft by 40 ft
Are you planning to use the pool only for medical therapy? The pool will be used for both my therapy and for recreation.
Do you have a prescription or recommendation from medical professional for the swimming pool as part of your medical treatment? They said that swimming was an excellent form of therapy, so I consider the statement to be a recommendation.Since you are using the pool for both medical and recreation purposes, do you know what percentage of the time do you think the pool will be used will be used for medical therapy versus recreational use? It is hard to estimate since the pool hasn’t been installed, but I plan to swim at least an hour per day. The pool would then be available to my family for their use.
Is there going to be any special modifications or equipment added to the pool specifically for the purpose of medical treatment? No, I will just swim laps. No special medical equipment is required.
Do you know the estimated total cost for installing the pool, including construction, equipment, and any medical modifications? Around $26,000.
Do you have any other medical expenses this year? Yes, around $4000.Do you plan to keep detailed records and receipts related to the construction and use of the pool for medical purposes? I can if it would be helpful.


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