In preparation for the initial post, consider two (2) of the following American


In preparation for the initial post, consider two (2) of the following American

In preparation for the initial post, consider two (2) of the following American Foreign policies:
Marshall Plan
Berlin Airlift
Anti-Communist Freedom Fighters
Vietnam (conflict) War
Camp David Accords
Strategic Defense Initiative (nicknamed “Star Wars”)
Then, in one (1) to two (2) paragraphs, address one (1) of the following:
Explain how each of your choices was an effective policy to thwart international communist expansion.
Based on your selections, analyze if the United States should have feared international communist subversion during the Cold War era (1945–1991).
Use your own words. Use 2 scholarly sources. APA format. Cited.
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I chose to write about the Marshall Plan and Berlin Airlift.
The Marshall Plan was in effect from 1948 to 1951 It involved l16 different nations the plan’s essential objective was to rebuild Europe by modernizing and rebuilding its industry. Therefore, reparation claims against Germany and other nations it had fought against the USSR rather than accelerating the recovery in Europe. The Marshall Plan was offered to both the Soviet Union and its satellite states Stalin. Both Poland and Czechoslovakia had been eager to participate in the plan, but they both were pacified by agreements with Soviet Union.
West Berlin was cut off form the rest of the world on June 24, 1948, 2.5 million Soviet troops had surrounded it. The Berlin Airlift was the name given to it. The partners started flying planes into West Berlin everyone was conveying different necessities, the flights could not be stopped by the Soviets because it would have been considered an act of war. The Soviet came to conclusion about their attempt to blockade Berlin was pointless by April of 1949. On May 12, 1949 the Soviet blockade came to an end.
The United States was concerned about the threat posed by the global spread of communism even before the collapse of the grand alliance and the beginning of the cold war. As a consequence of this, the United States of America began the process of attempting to contain communism which came to be known as Containment This policy was applicable in the regions where it already existed by encircling it with powerful, non-communist states through a combination of financial aid, as depicted in the Marshall Plan. The Containment policy that dominated U.S. foreign policy throughout the cold war had mixed results and frequently resulted in tragic events.
Use your own words. Use 1 scholarly source. APA format. Cited.


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