Element one: Project Plan (1000 words) Prepare a project plan using Microsoft Pr


Element one: Project Plan (1000 words)
Prepare a project plan using Microsoft Pr

Element one: Project Plan (1000 words)
Prepare a project plan using Microsoft Project to develop a Gantt Chart for the case below and a brief desсrіption of the project plan.
Project You and two others wish to hold an industrial event for professionals in the construction and information and technology sector on June 18th 2024, from 8.00 pm until 11.00 pm, to which 60 guests are to be invited. You will need to undertake all the necessary planning for the event. Amongst other aspects, typically, the planning will require identifying tasks, estimates, scheduling, assigning individuals to tasks, and paying (where necessary) for materials/staffing/venue/services/etc.
All the guests are alumni professionals from Brunel and will be departing from and returning to the Brunel campus on coaches hired for the occasion. Assume that the venue will have been cleaned and that chairs and tables are available in a storeroom. In addition, cutlery, crockery and glasses (etc.) will be available at the venue, and you will have access to a kitchen where food and drink can be prepared.
A WBS for the party has been partly-completed, and the following high-level tasks have been identified which require attention in your plan. These include:
– Guest list/RSVP invitations
– The venue
– Transport for guests
– Technology required for presentation (projector, computer, other) – List of speakers (industry or academia).
– Staff (e.g. waiting staff, door staff and technical support) – Food and drink (including buying and preparation)
Fundamentally the manner in which you choose to deconstruct tasks and draw up your plan is down to you, but as with any WBS, you will need to break down these aspects further in order to write a clear plan to the Gantt chart. So, for example, you might break down the ‘the venue’ task into two sub-tasks called ‘secure the venue’ and ‘prepare the venue’. Then ‘secure venue’ could be further deconstructed to include ‘research suitable venues’, ‘contact venues to discuss requirements’, ‘book venue’, ‘pay for venue’ while ‘prepare venue’ could be further deconstructed to include ‘set out chairs and tables, ‘set up music system’, ‘put up decorations’, ‘set tables’, etc. Such deconstruction is necessary in order to provide clarity ‘at a glance’ on what is to be done and as the basis for monitoring and controlling the project when being implemented.
Tasks can have variable estimates of time attached to them, but the granularity should be at least one day for the tasks before the event, and one hour for the activities during the event. Some of the tasks will need to be scheduled well in advance of the party while others will need to be scheduled much nearer to the event and also on the day itself. The venue should be available from 12.00 midday to 12.00 midnight to allow for preparation for the party, the party itself, and clearing up. You will need to add milestones where appropriate, and indicate the critical path.
The project plan needs to be development alongside a risk plan for the event which requires to develop a risk matrix with the assessment of opportunities and hazards to the project. Assume that the sponsor of the gathering is Brunel University London, and that there are no limits on the budget, and that you are the project manager which has been assigned three team members for the development, monitoring and control of the project.
Approved BBS Coursework Brief Template 2021/22 2 of 6
Brunel Business
NOTA BENE: find realistic market prices for all activities and resources from secondary sources – DO NOT APPROACH PROFESSIONAL FIRMS for prices, etc – source such data from the Web). A risk assessment for the project is advisable. On no account should you engage firms and their employees in research for this project. Images are not included in the word count.


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