Dr. Reebok wondered if crowd response had an effect on sports performance. He ha


Dr. Reebok wondered if crowd response had an effect on sports performance. He ha

Dr. Reebok wondered if crowd response had an effect on sports performance. He had 100 high school athletes shoot 21 free throws in two different conditions. In one condition, a small crowd was present that made negative remarks to heckle the participant. In the other condition, the small crowd cheered for the participant as they attempted the same number of free throws. The participants were counterbalanced so that some went to the cheering condition first and some to the heckling condition. The data set includes the number of free throws the participants made successfully in both conditions. You can download the data in the course files under the file name “FreeThrows”
For the experiment described in the instructions, which of these variables would go in which category?

Question at position 2 What type of analysis would be appropriate for this study?
What type of analysis would be appropriate for this study?
Pearson Correlation
paired samples t-test
independent samples t-test

Question at position 3 Using the data, fill in the blanks with the correct values, number only. Remember to use APA style rounding.
When the participants were heckled, they successfully made an average of Question Blank 1 of 2 (s = Question Blank 2 of 2) free throws.
Question at position 4 It would be expected that a participant would get better simply by doing this task the first time. Would that affect the validity of this experiment?
It would be expected that a participant would get better simply by doing this task the first time. Would that affect the validity of this experiment?
No, since they were counterbalanced across conditions, it should not matter.
Yes, it should be noted in the discussion section as a limitation.
Question at position 5
5 28 points

Question at position 5 Using your analysis of the data, fill in the blanks, numbers only. Remember to use APA style rounding.
t(Question Blank 1 of 4) = Question Blank 2 of 4, p = Question Blank 3 of 4, d = Question Blank 4 of 4
Question at position 6
6 7 points

Question at position 6 During the first day of the experiment, one of the experimenters discovered that ten of the participants were varsity basketball players. What effect could this have on the validity of the experiment?
During the first day of the experiment, one of the experimenters discovered that ten of the participants were varsity basketball players. What effect could this have on the validity of the experiment?
It would reduce validity, those participants should be excluded.
It would increase between group variance and thus it would increase the likelihood of making a type 2 error.
It would no affect validity, because each person is their own control in a within-subjects experiment.
Question at position 7
7 7 points

Question at position 7 Based on your analysis of the data, which one would you choose?
Based on your analysis of the data, which one would you choose?
Reject the null hypothesis
Fail to reject the null hypothesis
Question at position 8
8 9 points

Question at position 8 Based on your analysis of the data. Which one of these statements is accurate?
Based on your analysis of the data. Which one of these statements is accurate?
Participants made more free throws when the crowd cheered.
Hecklers need therapy.
Heckling was effective in reducing the number of free throws made.
Crowd behavior did not affect the participants’ success at shooting free throws.


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