Topic: Sexual Attraction Among Each Sex: Key Differences My topic is supposed t


Topic: Sexual Attraction Among Each Sex: Key Differences
My topic is supposed t

Topic: Sexual Attraction Among Each Sex: Key Differences
My topic is supposed to explore what is sexually attractive to men and what is sexually attractive to women, then explain differences but also state the key differences. I have attached 7 peer review articles that are written on the topic of sexuality among each sex. I would recommend there be an introduction about the topic before starting the literature review part of the paper. Paper just needs to be very detailed, clear, and concise!
Thank you.
Description of assignment: The purpose of this assignment is for you to expand your
knowledge of a topic you are interested in within the field of the psychology of human sexuality.
You goal is to then to hone in more specifically on a certain aspect of that topic and discuss it in
detail. You will accomplish this by summarizing the current literature that addresses the topic
that you have chosen. In other words, you will read several peer-reviewed articles and
summarize the content into a cohesive review of the information, write your conclusions on the
information, and offer suggestions for future research.
● Your literature review should include at least six sources. Please choose papers that are
related to each other so that you have some cohesiveness in your paper. Because this is
a review of the literature, your sources will be peer reviewed journal articles and not
medical/government websites (e.g. web MD, wikipedia, etc.).
● You will attempt to use original sources as opposed to secondary citations.
● You 2 do not need to summarize every article. Rather, you may select what you feel are
some of the more relevant sources.
● The body of the paper (not including title page or reference pages) should be five to six
pages (no less than four but no more than six) to adequately address the topic.
● Paper MUST BE in APA style (7th edition) when you write this paper. You do not
need an abstract and you do not need to break your paper into sections like you would if
you were submitting a research paper where you are presenting original data (i.e. you do
not need to break your paper into introduction, method, results, and discussion sections).
However, you will need a properly formatted title page and reference page/list.
● You should use APA style citations in the text of the paper, include a running head on
your title page and following pages, correctly format your reference list, and make sure
that any source cited in the text is included in the reference list.
● This will be graded on adherence to APA style, overall writing quality, grammar,
thoughtfulness, clarity, cohesiveness, etc.
I have attached the instructions and 5 articles to the question which was the MAX amount so I’ll add article 6 & 7 once the question uploads.


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