Instructions are attached and template that is to be used is also attached Summ


Instructions are attached and template that is to be used is also attached

Instructions are attached and template that is to be used is also attached
Summarize and disseminate the article, using the provided template, to share with your classmates. This includes the following components:
○ Student Name
○ Topic (what you signed up for on this assignment) I signed up for Post-COVID teaching and learning
○ Author(s)
○ Year of Publication (must have been published between 2020-present)
○ Article Title
○ Journal Title (if you find a source that is an edited book chapter or from published conference proceedings, that is fine, but please do not select a published book review)
○ 4-5 Sentence Summary (in your own words) including the following:
■ Reseach problem(s) or question(s)
■ Major findings
■ Conclusions or implications
○ How did this article inform your understanding of the focal topic you signed up for on this assignment?
○ What is one question you still have that you can pose to your classmates based on this article?


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