The Walmart Way by Don Sonderquist: 1. A brief summary of the book. (10pts) The


The Walmart Way by Don Sonderquist:
1. A brief summary of the book. (10pts) The

The Walmart Way by Don Sonderquist:
1. A brief summary of the book. (10pts) The Summary should be about 1 page long.
The other answers should be several paragraghs. 2. What do you think the entrepreneur did wrong? (10pts)
3. What did the entrepreneur do right? (10pts)
4. How would you have done things if you were in their position? (No matter how much they achieved, I am sure there is something you would have done differently.) Do NOT use the same things as in question 2. (10Pts)
5. What economic principles (things you learned in this course) were used in this business? Use examples from the book . Name the principle and show how it was applied in this business. (Not a list!) (30 points) 6. What did you learn from reading this book.? How will it influence you in the future ? (10 Questions)


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