The research essay involves a critical analysis of the rise of populist politics


The research essay involves a critical analysis of the rise of populist politics

The research essay involves a critical analysis of the rise of populist politics in liberal democratic societies in the West and beyond. You can use any country-specific case to collect relevant scholarly and popular literature on the topic.
Your essay must provide a persuasive analysis of both the demand-side and supply-side causes of the rise of populist politics in your selected country. Please carefully read the following article to learn about the causes of populism in the West. This article was discussed in class on March 14 and 19.
Sheri Berman, 2021. “The Causes of Populism in the West,” Annual Review of Political Science, 24: 71-88 (available on D2L)
This is an ‘application’ exercise. It will evaluate your ability to apply conceptual ideas, issues, and arguments to analyze a real-world scenario.
Length: 2500 words (without the list of references prepared with APA style guide
Your essay must include a minimum of 12 sources, of which 4 are scholarly works such as book chapters, peer-reviewed journal articles and 8 are popular works like articles from newspapers, magazines, and legitimate online sources. Please check with me if you are not sure whether a source is authentic.
While working on your research essay, focus on articulating a clearly stated research question and developing your main argument supported by evidence extracted from relevant scholarly and popular sources. You need to do rigorous research to select relevant sources to identify enough evidence to substantiate your argument.


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