Task summary: You are to create a presentation detailing the epidemiological tri


Task summary: You are to create a presentation detailing the epidemiological tri

Task summary: You are to create a presentation detailing the epidemiological triangle and the chain of infection for malaria, including descriptions and graphics for each model.
Full order description: Dear Freelancer, please complete the task
There are many different visual models and tools that can be used to map the transmission of infectious diseases. Two such models are the epidemiological triangle and the chain of infection. The epidemiological triangle illustrates the relationships between the agent, host, and environment for a disease. The chain of infection depicts how the disease travels from a reservoir into a host. In this Assignment, you design a graphic of both the epidemiological triangle and the chain of infection for an infectious disease of your choice. Additionally, you write a detailed description for each of your graphics, explaining the components and links, how the disease is transferred, and ways to limit the spread of the disease. Consider how the infectious disease you selected can be illustrated using each of the two models. Create a 7-slide PowerPoint presentation (with speaker notes, 100 for each slide) using the provided template. Your presentation should include the following:
Slide 1: Title slide
Slide 2: A description of the epidemiological triangle for your disease
Slide 3: A graphic of the epidemiological triangle for the disease you selected. Include captions for each component of the triangle.
Slide 4: An explanation of the relationships between and among the agent, host, and environment.
Slides 5 and 6: A description of the chain of infection for the disease you selected. Explain how the disease flows from one link to the next and what can be done at various stages to break the chain.
Slide 7: A graphic of the chain of infection for the disease you selected. Include captions for each link of the chain.
Slide 8: An overview of any social or ethical issues associated with the spread of your disease or with the preventative/treatment methods.Use the Notes section on each slide to explain how you would present each slide to a group of health professionals. Support your work with specific citations from scholarly sources as appropriate, at least 4.
Attached:- additional materials (template)


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