Cutting Packing Company contracted to purchase Blackwood’s apricot crop for a sp


Cutting Packing Company contracted to purchase Blackwood’s apricot crop for a sp

Cutting Packing Company contracted to purchase Blackwood’s apricot crop for a specific price. The purchase contract was assigned to Packers’ Exchange of California. Blackwood refused to accept Packers’ in place of Cutting. Blackwood delivered the apricots to Cutting. Cutting delivered the apricots to Packers and they were refused. Cutting paid Blackwood the contract price and sold the apricots at the prevailing market price, which was less than the contract price. Cutting sued Packers for the price difference. Packers’ claims that since Blackwood did not accept the assignment to Packers, there is NO enforceable assignment and it owes nothing.
Answer the questions, argue ALL sides, and source your arguments with legal statutes, cases, laws, etc
Was there a valid assignment to Packers?
Is Blackwood’s consent necessary?
Did Cutting have to accept and pay for Blackwood’s apricots or was this the sole responsibility of Packers?
Will Cutting recover from Packers?


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