Please complete the following seperate assignments, each in their own document:


Please complete the following seperate assignments, each in their own document:

Please complete the following seperate assignments, each in their own document:
Assignment 1: please read the following before class:
ousterhout, “the holy space: architecture and the liturgy”
worksheet questions (remember to include quotes from the texts):
what is a church? what, if anything, is required for a building to be a church (or not)?
what different aspects might you focus on in the study of church buildings? how might the approaches of architects, theologians, archaeologists, and art historians differ?
what stood out to you most about the construction and architecture of Hagia Sophia (this can include how it’s different from other Byzantine churches)?
how did the style of Byzantine churches evolve over time? Assignment 2: please read the following before class:
germanus of constantinople, on the divine liturgy (*read only pp16-23, and then read 7 numbered sections from 1-43 (pp57-107) of your choosing)
worksheet questions (remember to include quotes from the texts):
in your own words, what do you think is a liturgy (and think about what is necessary to constitute a liturgy)? what strikes you as the most important components or aspects of a liturgy? drawing on our last class and the description of the byzantine liturgy of the eighth century (pg. 16-23), how would you describe the relationship between physical space and the divine liturgy?
drawing upon germanus’ text (and the fact the text itself is an interpretation of the liturgy), what do you think the divine liturgy meant for byzantine christians?
what’s the most surprising thing that stood out to you from the reading (either from the introduction or the commentary)? and why?
abbreviated worksheets 6&7
what is a church? what, if anything, is required for a building to be a church (or not)?
what stood out to you most about the construction and architecture of Hagia Sophia (this can include how it’s different from other Byzantine churches)?
how did the style of Byzantine churches evolve over time? what are two things that stood out to you about the byzantine liturgy (16-23)?
what stood out to you from the 7 sections you read about the germanus’ commentary/interpretation of the liturgy?
Assignment 3: please read the following before class:
romanos the melodist, the harlot from the kontakia on the nativity of christ
arentzen, holy arousal
[in-class] kassia, hymns
[in-class] the sound of hagia sophia (4min)
worksheet questions (remember to include quotes from the texts):
describe the most memorable concert/performance you’ve attended. what made it so memorable? how did the setting (location, time, people, etc) influence your experience? what passage from the kontakion fascinates you the most and why?
in what ways do you think the audience would have responded to this part of Romanos’ performance?
what are two things that caught your attention in arentzen’s piece and why?


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