Instructions Please pick two of the three questions below to answer in the form


Please pick two of the three questions below to answer in the form

Please pick two of the three questions below to answer in the form of a typed essay. You should aim to write about a three to five page answer for each question, although I care more that you answer the question you choose thoroughly and that you provide enough historical details to support your assertions. Your essay should be double-spaced, in Times New Roman 12-font type, and contain one-inch margins. Good luck!
How did the former Roman province of Britannia evolve over the six and a half centuries following the departure of Roman legions in 410 CE? What were the crucial political, social, and/or cultural shifts that occurred during these centuries that created “England” in your opinion?
2. Under various medieval English kings, beginning with Henry I and continuing through to Edward III, England developed certain political, legal, and governmental institutions that were formative of a common Anglo-American legal and political culture that endures to this day. First, what were these innovations and how/why did they came come about? Secondly, of the various innovations you choose to write about in your essay, which one was the most significant and why?
3. Compare and contrast the various British Reformations that occurred in the sixteenth century both in terms of their origins and their consequences. Why did England have one kind of Reformation, Scotland another, and Ireland hardly one at all?
Explanation of issues
The student’s work is excellent; it exhibits a very high degree of proficiency with respect to this learning objective.
Evidence – Selecting and using information to investigate a point of view or conclusion
The student’s work is excellent; it exhibits a very high degree of proficiency with respect to this learning objective.
Influence of context and assumptions
The student’s work is excellent; it exhibits a very high degree of proficiency with respect to this learning objective.
Student’s position (perspective, thesis/hypothesis)
The student’s work is excellent; it exhibits a very high degree of proficiency with respect to this learning objective.
Conclusions and related outcomes (implications and consequences)
The student’s work is excellent; it exhibits a very high degree of proficiency with respect to this learning objective.


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