Reading Guide Module 2 Major Theories of Media Effects: Chapter 1: The Role o


Reading Guide Module 2
Major Theories of Media Effects: Chapter 1: The Role o

Reading Guide Module 2
Major Theories of Media Effects: Chapter 1: The Role of Theory in Scholarly Fields
To assist you with the assigned readings, I have developed an outline of questions for you to answer. Think about this as a key for what information to pay attention to in the reading. Research shows that students learn and retain information better when they can write it down in their own words.
Try to answer the questions within these guides in your own words rather than copying and pasting the content from readings/lectures. The idea is to see if you can succinctly answer the question in your own words based on the knowledge you gained from your readings/lectures. Try to answer each question within one to three sentences.
1.    Primary purpose of any scholarly field is: 
2.    What is knowledge?
3.    What is the focal phenomenon of media effects? 
4.    What are ontological and epistemological beliefs? 
5.    What is the difference between evolution and revolution of ideas?
6.    What is a theory? 
7.    What are advocacy and scientific theories?
8.    What are the differences between advocacy and scientific theories?
9.    What are the five components of scientific theory? Which ones are the most important?
10.    What is the life cycle of scientific theories?


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