Chapter 14 of the text deals with drug evidence. Due to the commonality of drug


Chapter 14 of the text deals with drug evidence. Due to the commonality of drug

Chapter 14 of the text deals with drug evidence. Due to the commonality of drug use, you will most certainly encounter many different types of drugs as a criminal investigator. It is important to understand drug classifications, uses, associated paraphernalia, etc. It is also important to be able to determine if a substance is, in fact, a drug. As you would assume, most persons who are found with a drug substance are not going to freely admit drug content, quantity, or ownership. “That’s not mine” will be a common phrase you should get used to hearing. In the efforts to correctly investigate a crime scene, you must acquire the knowledge to determine, on a surface level, if you believe a substance is an actual drug or not. This assignment will deal with the aspects of presumptive testing. This concept is a screening test in which certain chemicals will react, most commonly by changing colors, when they encounter drugs. As you read the text and the supplemental articles, you will begin to understand how this process works. However, as we learned with other tests, they are not foolproof. You will read how innocent people have been prosecuted and the dangers of using presumptive testing absent of laboratory testing and confirmation. After reading the text, browse the articles I have posted in this module. Within these articles, you will learn the significance of the problem and how some of these encounters ended. With the information you learn regarding this topic, write a 3-page paper (not including cover and citation pages) about presumptive testing. Explain the process and how it is used. Also, include information on the following prompts: • When was the science for presumptive drug testing developed? What were the recommendations of the scientists at the time of development? Has the science related to presumptive drug testing changed significantly since its original development? • Explain the difference between presumptive and confirmatory tests specifically related to the testing of drugs. • What county led the nation in exonerations in 2015? What types of cases comprise the bulk of these exonerations? • Do you think the CSI Effect may have an impact on how defendants choose to plea in cases involving presumptive tests? Explain your stance. • Contact a police department of your choosing. Inquire about the current policy of that agency regarding presumptive testing in the field. Cite the person you speak with as a source on your paper. • Factoring in all the information you have learned on presumptive testing, tell me your opinion. If you were the head of a law enforcement agency, what would your policy be on testing? Do you have other ideas that you would implement? You may include any other information to convey the message and your opinion of the subject. You will need to cite at least two sources, including in-text citation information.


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